Are there any albums you consider "perfect?"

Mourning Beloveth - The Sullen Sulcus

Actually, it is almost perfect. All the songs are excellent IMO, and all but one of the songs are total standouts. I think that Narcissistic Funeral is perhaps the most perfect song I have ever heard.
IOfTheStorm said:
"Heaven And Hell" and "Mob Rules" are heavy metal masterpieces.
they KILL! i don't go around saying that i prefer the dio albums to the ozzy albums a lot because people laugh at me and/or threaten to kill me, but i kinda do.
Erik said:
i don't go around saying that i prefer the dio albums to the ozzy albums a lot because people laugh at me and/or threaten to kill me

Heheh. I honestly have never heard a single Dio track from either Sabbath or his solo work. After buying the Black Box (all Ozzy era albums) and giving away my seperate Sabbath albums I decided I had enough Sabbath to last me a good while. I suppose I should check those albums out sometime.
Black Sabbath are only overrated amongst the many who think that they were the best metal band ever, be all end all (which they are NOT). However, in terms of their influence on metal, they cannot be overrated.
Heheh. I honestly have never heard a single Dio track from either Sabbath or his solo work. After buying the Black Box (all Ozzy era albums) and giving away my seperate Sabbath albums I decided I had enough Sabbath to last me a good while. I suppose I should check those albums out sometime.

I was a hardcore Ozzy era fanatic until a year or two ago. I then gave "Heaven and Hell" another thorough listen, and to be honest, it's their best album, by far.

If, say, "Master of Reality" influenced the purist doom bands, "Heaven and Hell" is the sound of Candlmemass before Candlemass even existed...epic...
Life Sucks said:
Black Sabbath are only overrated amongst the many who think that they were the best metal band ever, be all end all (which they are NOT). However, in terms of their influence on metal, they cannot be overrated.

Technically, no matter how much you like or dislike them, they were ....

Anyway, Sabbath fucking slayed and ARE one of the best bands ever.
Okay, these are albums I believe completely and flawlessly achieve what they set out to do. Nothing more, nothing less. That's how I'd define "perfect".

Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Bathory - Hammerheart
Weakling - Dead as Dreams
Beherit - Drawing Down the Moon
Destroyer 666 - Phoenix Rising
The Greys said:
Tony Iommi's approach to playing guitar is pure class.

Exactly. That's why Black Sabbath is one of the best bands ever. Not because of Ozzy, Dio, ot Tony Martin. Sabbath is guitar oriented music, not vocal. If you think Iommi is anything other than one of the best guitarists ever, then you should just shove ice picks in your ears right now.
Teh Grimarse said:
I got banned for posting Living Colour. Literally. That's what the site said when I tried to log in. "banned for posting living colour".

lol I got banned too a few weeks ago for posting "Living Colour." Someone made an extremely trite, generic thread, asking for bands that sound like Metallica and I posted "Living Colour" because it was such a trite, overdone question.
Life Sucks said:
lol I got banned too a few weeks ago for posting "Living Colour." Someone made an extremely trite, generic thread, asking for bands that sound like Metallica and I posted "Living Colour" because it was such a trite, overdone question.
ilove every metal album i own i gve them all 10 out of 10 my friends:Smokin: :Smokin: :Smokin: :Smokin: :Smokin: :Smokin: :Smokin: :Smokin: :Smokin: :Smokin: :Smokin: :Smokin: :Smokin: :
I got banned a couple months ago for posting Living Colour. Luckily the latest one slipped under the radar.