Are there any female opeth fans

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etakistan said:
Guys, admit it, this is a pickup thread.

And I don't look the slightest metal either. I listen to more extreme black metal than most males I know. Infact, I only know one guy IRL who listens to black metal! :eek:

Someone told me I look like a Christina Aguleria fan once and I got sad.

That has to suck! yea, at work i have pics of opeth is kinda funny actually.
Ask yourself as men what would we do without women,(and what would women do without men) You got to find that balance, not just with physical looks, but emotional beauty. That said, there simply are some women who don't give a fuck about themselves for whatever reason. But, even fat, ugly and bitchy women can have a purpose. Imagine if you will, being on a plane that goes down in a vast, barren tundra. Nothing around, but you have a number of survivors. After a couple of weeks you start thinking about cannabilism. You better hope that a few of those fat, ugly bitches are on that plane. Because that's who I'm carving up to eat. All that fat will save your life. so, there's a great purpose for fat broads. And don't tell me if in that situation that you would'nt consider it. Peace
ironbeard said:
Ask yourself as men what would we do without women,(and what would women do without men) You got to find that balance, not just with physical looks, but emotional beauty. That said, there simply are some women who don't give a fuck about themselves for whatever reason. But, even fat, ugly and bitchy women can have a purpose. Imagine if you will, being on a plane that goes down in a vast, barren tundra. Nothing around, but you have a number of survivors. After a couple of weeks you start thinking about cannabilism. You better hope that a few of those fat, ugly bitches are on that plane. Because that's who I'm carving up to eat. All that fat will save your life. so, there's a great purpose for fat broads. And don't tell me if in that situation that you would'nt consider it. Peace

well, it's a little bit too much of "what if"
if there's nothing around it can only be a desert...and if it's a desert there are some beduins somewhere nearby who can guide you to safety or call for rescue.
but let's return to canibalism for a second...if you eat a fat person you eat the stuff that get's sucked out of people when they have a liposuction.
If you ever seen "Fight Club" where they're smuggling fat from the hospital and one of the bags gets torn on the barbed wire...yuck:yuk:. let's just leave the human fat for making some nitro.
moreover let's say someone dies and you try to eat his/her carcass,you would need to cook the flesh so you'll need fire and that means you'll need som wood...but if there's wood,there are trees and therefore some fruit or even just you don't need to eat the carcass.
Besides fat women most of the time are much less bitchy and more down to earth because they don't rely on their looks."I'm pretty,so you'll buy me gold earrings or I won't be you're girlfriend anymore"...yeah, who needs that bullit
Kenneth R. said:
this thread suddenly got really gore-metal :lol:

As for obese girls... well there's obese dudes too. Everyone can be happy.
they can die young together from clogged arteries and various diseases in the body's food processing system like disfunctioning kidneys or colon cancer.

gore metal you say...

this gore?:D
Female. Complete Opeth fan since age 14. Ballet/circus art/yoga going girl. No drugs/alcohol, enjoys school, does not drown herself in black clothing... take that "stats"!!!!
opheliaimmortal said:
Female. Complete Opeth fan since age 14. Ballet/circus art/yoga going girl. No drugs/alcohol, enjoys school, does not drown herself in black clothing... take that "stats"!!!!
You sound probably have great... ehm "stats":D
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