Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
Depending on your family you may not have a choice as to wear the wedding/funeral is held. Those events are for your family (read: mothers) more than they are for the person/persons.
That's an interesting take on things, especially where the wedding is concerned. I've always seen it as the opposite and I wouldn't mind at all if there was no one there except myself, my bride-to-be and whoever has to make it legal. I want a "Braveheart" wedding if you will, that just seems like a beautiful thing. I've always figured that when I get married, it will be because I love this girl more than anything that has ever existed and because of that, that it would be a very emotional, personal and spiritual experience.
I don't want to be married by a Priest, because it doesn't fit into my beliefs, a simple government official would do and I've always thought I'd like to have both my wedding and funeral at night, either by candlelight or the light of a full moon. In the forest, perhaps by a lake, and yes, when I die, I expect to be sent out into the water on a raft of combustibles and shot with a flaming arrow.

That's just me, I want things to be majestic and real. I'm a romantic and I've never looked at anything, especially women, the way that other men do. I look for an emotional and spiritual connection more than a physical connection, I look for someone to marry, not to fuck and I fully expect to find someone who is my other half, my best friend and everything else. Yes, a physical connection and a great sex life ties into all of this, but it's not a determining factor like finding a true soulmate is.
Also, my take on spirituality has nothing to do with religion. I follow no religion, because spirituality to me is a feeling more than anything. The feeling I get from looking out and seeing the snow and mist on the mountains and breathing the cool, cold air gives me an intoxicating spiritual high and I believe that is true spirituality, it's all about feeling, nothing else. This life is too amazing to waste worrying about the "next one." If you can't find humor, happiness and peace in everyday life, then you're failing where it counts. I feel a true connection to the earth and everything around me and that's what really matters in my book.
I'm a man of ideals and I follow them. You won't ever see me in a church, you won't see me married by a priest and you won't see me buried under a cross. Those aren't my beliefs and a man without something to believe has exactly that, nothing.[/rambling]