Are you afraid of growing old?


Jun 20, 2003
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Why do our bodies break down and die when in our souls we are always 20 years old? I am 32 but I swear to you that I was a child only yesterday. In 8 years I will be 40? How did this come to be? Maybe you still feel safe from age and time if you're 18 or 23, but soon... you will feel as I do.

32 is a very confusing age to be. Not old yet, but... not terribly young either.

Are you afraid of growing old? I know we can't stop it, but do you fear it? People always say they will accept the loss of youth gracefully, but it is so good to be young. I don't know if there's anything good about being old.
Steven I understand what you are saying here, however, as a male you should remember that you're a kid untill the day you go back to the loving cradle of the soil.
I sometimes feel so too. ill soon be 27 years old, thats not all that young but you should remember that nowaays life expectancy and life quality are high. I believe in loving day by day, chacing the beautiful moments and laugh in the face of the harder moments of life.
and reborn again and again and again

I'd rather sleep forever than be reborn again, the world is dying and my time as a human will come to an end. THe earth is dying, it will end some day, but my time as a human is special and Id rather not be reborn into a bug or something. Time is precious, and we slowly die, each chapter in life dies, it ends with that stage in time and the person in the age frame dies slowly every year. Its what I like to call pre death, it's when someone you know is still alive, but the person inside you once knew is gone. It can be caused by many things, disease, jealousy, depression, age...
I wouldn't say the world is dying. Aren't there are more species now on Earth than there have ever been? Unless you mean it will die someday, which applies to everything anyway - as soon as a baby is born, it is dying.
I'm not afraid of growing old. Mainly because of Jack LaLanne...
I don't want to get old, not that I'm afraid, but I just want to keep living forever, I want to see how this world will change in the future, even if it's for the worst.
I'm not afraid of getting old, I'm only scared that I'll look back in a few years and regret what I never got round to doing.
Definitely the same thing here.
With each second passing, I'm getting more and more afraid that one day when I look back I'll see a life so empty and "flat". And I'll say "What the hell have I been doing in all those years?"
And the most scary thing is:
I'm not doing anything significant to change this future.
Hope I will, some time soon.
Well, I'm really not afraid of growing old.

I think it's much more worse (a lot) if you die young :erk: .

Then you couldn't have done all the things you wanted to :erk: :erk: .

And that would suck.
In 2 months I'll be 41, I still basically act the same way I did when I was 18................sure I have less hair, headbanging can only be done for short periods of time, it takes a little longer to get over a hangover - but beer and metal keep me young and kicking,
Don't sweat it guys getting old is mainly a psychological thing you're only as old as you feel................................
I am not afraid of getting old but afraid of dying. I just don't want to miss out
some great opportunities what this world has to offer. There is another reason
why I am afraid of dying. I am not to sure what happen when we die or are we
going to have a second life to new dimentional world. I think that will lead us all to
unsolve answers about after death experience. No one on this earth will know the
truth. That scares me the most.