Are you afraid of the future???

Bastet said:
ooooh! i'm impressed.
what about your scars, ikea? are you afraid odf the future?

2 scars, and theyre shite, total mistake when i was 16

i am the future, do i scare you?
Carpe diem: Sieze the day. And as quoted by Anathema: "....I live for today, can't get away from the burning inside. Ashes to ash. Dusk to dusk" Remember in the movie "Bladerunner" when Harrison Ford is dangling from the rooftop and Rutger Hauer states: "Quite an experience to live in fear isn't it?"
If you're living in fear, you're really not living at all.
"If you're frightened of dying you'll see devils tearing you apart. If you've made your peace then they're angels freeing you from the world."
coldwave said:
"If you're frightened of dying you'll see devils tearing you apart. If you've made your peace then they're angels freeing you from the world."

Did you watch it too on tv? :lol:
Maqus said:
Did you watch it too on tv? :lol:

i watched it on tv then i watched it on vhs (again) and wrote it to cd, watched it, played it on pc (its called silent hill, but they are lying) then i bought it on dvd and have the script and now copy+pasted it to make sure the words are right.

shouldn't answer this much i know, but nothing good happened today besides a joke with a snail. and a mushroom.
Ive got a big scar on my bum. I sat on some sharp gardening impliment shear things in a cupboard playing hide and seak and managed to slice myself another arsecrack when i tried to get off the shelf my auntie had so carelessly perched me on.

Ive got loads on my legs from rugby n tha, a few on my arm from abseiling n thats bout it.

I have about 50 or so totally random scars all over my body from diving into things (trees, dumpsters, steel fences, bushes, ect...) after having a dozen or so too many drinks.

I've one on my right arm from throwing a fit and stabbing myself with an exacto knife in highschool. I was protesting another students choice in music that day. Don't play Phish anywhere near me!

I've a few scars on my right hand from punching a window. I was drunk, naturally.

I have a few barely visible scars above my lip from being attacked by a dog as an infant.

That's all I have.

As for fear of the future, fuck it. Whatever happens, happens.
I have a small cross on me head (it used to be just at my hair parting but I changed my parting awhile ago)
I crushed into the hard shoulder of our balcony door at the age of 6 or so, say I headbanged into it :grin: I cried like hell and only remember everything was red... there was a woman from the 5th floor who came home that time and rushed up to see what's happening, cause something red was dripping from the 9th floor (where we live) :erk:
I awfully loved the situation btw, because I was prohibited from nursery for about 2 or 3 weeks. I really hated nursery so at least it was good for something...
Loona said:
I crushed into the hard shoulder of our balcony door at the age of 6 or so, say I headbanged into it :grin:
I did something similar as a four-year-old, I selected a rough paving stone for my skull gymnastics though. Gory stuff, and some people could have sworn I was left handed/footed before, but I'm kinda pseudo-ambidextrous now.
God knows, I'm watching a plane crash film, hehe, just back from Malév, how scary :lol:

Shit, now that I think about it. :cry: