Are you afraid of the future???

Ffs, God killed his own son, that was a rather bloody sacrifice too, I don't know why you're all so shocked by it.
Baahhh, it's still all kinds of nations some christians of whom beat themselves cause they think God likes it. Or maybe it's just they who do and they blame it on God.
about God, I find it rather cruel that he put out Adam&Eve (or Eva?) from Eden just because they did something they shouldn't have done. it's like I make some jar of clay, colour it and all that, I happen to like it in the end for it was born from my mind with the help of my two hands; and I won't put it out into the dustbin if it happens to fall down and gets chipped. still it's my dear thingy, and I could never abandon it. only some bungle could do such a thing.
once I explained this to some missionary as one reason for why I don't believe... she looked a bit afraid...
Excusé moi, if you crapped my garden with filthy knowledge and kinky sex, I'd put you out too, right away.
Loona said:
I wouldn't. no matter what, I could hardly get that angry. I'm just like that if I like something or someone...

You're not a good christian then. Puppy makes the carpet filthy, puppy's punished, that's how puppy learns the lesson.
LoboUivante said:
but... we haven't learned the lesson yet... still far from learning i'm afraid

Tomorrow at 11:00 GMT, let's say the same prayer simultaneously all over the world and cast our eyes at the sky to glimpse the glory.
Maqus said:
That's pretty much enlightening, innit?

yes, because I thought he understood this ceremony in the way it was intended for him. Thought he'd seen it. I thought he was at peace with it, not still trying to adjust me. What I feel and why. Thought he was at peace with this.

I am.