Are you working out?

So - are you making that body fit?

  • Yes, often

    Votes: 12 30.8%
  • Now and then

    Votes: 9 23.1%
  • Never!

    Votes: 4 10.3%
  • Never have, never will

    Votes: 3 7.7%
  • There is no need ;)

    Votes: 3 7.7%
  • I planned to for years, but..

    Votes: 5 12.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 7.7%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by Russell

I do it way more than once every hour... and allthe bones (I think) in my body it's possible to do too.. I'm trying to stop as apparently it can give you arthiritis..
Well, I used to do it a lot more than once every hour but that was how much I did it last year. I have pretty much stopped altogether as I also heard you can get arthritis. I can pop my neck, back, elbows, toes, shoulders, knees...basically everything. :) I have definitely stopped popping my neck and back, though. Not good.

As for drums, I've heard that Pearl are good for starters. I might look into it or try to find someone who can teach me somet things and let my practice before I blindly buy a kit. I have nowhere to store a kit either so it'd only be taking up space in a dorm that I don't have. :(
Originally posted by OpethianSoul
Well, I used to do it a lot more than once every hour but that was how much I did it last year. I have pretty much stopped altogether as I also heard you can get arthritis. I can pop my neck, back, elbows, toes, shoulders, knees...basically everything. :) I have definitely stopped popping my neck and back, though. Not good.

:lol: Well, as well as neck, back, elbows, toes, shoulders, knees, I can do ankles, hips, ears (cartlidge I think,and it hurts like hell ;) ), nose, wrists, each joint in each finger and both in my thumbs and I think thats about it... I find it really hard to stop! Grraaa I;ve been trying to give up doing it for well over ten years now ;) Ooops

As for drums, I've heard that Pearl are good for starters. I might look into it or try to find someone who can teach me somet things and let my practice before I blindly buy a kit. I have nowhere to store a kit either so it'd only be taking up space in a dorm that I don't have. :(

It's prolly a good idea, just to check you do like the drums and you're not gonna buy a kit then give up ;) I waited nearly a year before buying one.. The one thing I've found is drums are a hell of a lot harder to learn (for me) than anyof the other isntruments I;ve played.. something about the co-ordinating of all four limbs..
I do. I have to, it is in my program, 2 hours of weightlifting or agility training 5 days a week. Not to mention the ACTUAL ramping (walking up 50-60 flights of stairs for each jump plus swiming out of the pool) plus 1 hour of trampoline every day too. So i guess you could say yes, often.
Moving furniture is all the exercise I need, although I did walk about six miles in downtown Chicago today. I'm also very neurotic, cracking knuckles, changing positions constantly, and even playing with my hair.
Yup. sure do, i've got my weight bench set up next to my computer, cd/record player and my guitar... i'm set... all i need is a fridge, and i won't even need to leave the room! :)

Joyce L. Vedral ROCKS. if any of you people want to get muscles, then read one of her books, it's awesome. I did weight training for about a year and a half, got REALLY big, and then stopped for a year or so, and now i've started up again, been doing so for two months, and there's already a difference, i weigh more, and i am eating better, and my muscles are returning, thank dog..!
Hearse: I always thought you were a body builder, but I guess somewhere deep inside my heart I always knew the truth... :)

As for me, I stopped my (few) exercises after my elbows making sounds similiar to bone cracking...