Arrgghh, I hate age differences...


Feb 20, 2005
So I'm 21, and I daresay I look it (if not a bit older, especially when I have my sideburns). And I'm slowly coming to the very frustrating realization that I can't hit on just any chick who looks my age anymore, cuz for all I know she could be in High School (and I'm gonna be a senior in college next year). Case in point: at the Westchester Planning Dept. where I'm interning this summer, there's this incredibly cute and more importantly incredibly friendly intern who I was (and still am) really diggin', though when I asked her what else she was doing during the summer, among her responses was "Driver's Ed!"

"Wait - how old are you?" I inquired, amazed

"I'm only 16" she replied, smiling and laughing, slightly embarassed

ARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHH FUCK FUCK FUCK - and she often comes into my "office" (cubicle) where they store a lot of the environmental testing stuff (Hey, I'm an intern, I'm grateful to have a cubicle at all), and I have to fight the urge to hit on her with all of my will. Not really looking for advice or anything here, cuz I know there's no way around it - just venting, and I suppose there are some other dudes my age who are starting to realize this and can relate, and for the older guys, I guess you'd consider this something of a right of passage into adulthood! :mad:

Oh, and it should be obvious, but she doesn't look 16, it's not like I go out of my way to "cradle rob." :)
I know what you are saying.....went to a gig the other week and full of kids, was chatting about this with my mates then.

Having said that I look quite a bit older than I am, so on nights out I tend to bump on a couple of years so that my grounds covered a bit (girls tend to be much more concerned about age than blokes).
Well are you saying you add on years so you can hit on older women? (meaning older than you but still in their 20s, not like 60s :lol: ) Cuz I could definitely pass for at least 25, but I'm way too honest for my own good, and I'd hate to have it discovered later :erk:

I look 17 without facial hair and mid-20s with it. I'm 20. People ask me to buy them beer, and a few times it's been people a month or two older than me.

Fuck age.

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I hear ya bro. I'm 21 as well, although I usually sport something along the lines of a full beard or chin strap. I've passed for older with the beard, I've passed for a 16 year old without it :p

I'll tell you what I told me friend when he was in the same situation.

"You CAN'T CAN'T CAN'T CAN'T CAN'T. Now go drink some beer and forget about it."
Dude, you just can't tell about the girls anymore. A while back, before I had met the girl I'm with now, I was on a cruise to Stockholm and as wasted I was I managed to get along pretty well with a girl whose age I guessed somewhere between 22 and 25 years (I'm 20). Bought her drinks and shit, and a few moments later it turned out she was fucking fourteen. Or as she put it, "Almost fifteen!" Good bye, hope your dad won't find out I bought you cider. You treacherous skank!
Well, the other day my girlfriend and I went down for a drink at a pub we hadn't gone to before. The legal drinking age here is 18. We're both 25. Can you imagine our surprise when an angry waitress stormed by our table and requested to see my gf's ID card under the pretence that she would bar us from the pub for her being underaged. Haha, that was so funny. Of course my girl took it as a compliment, but that goes to show you can never know with age. Better watch out with the jailbait or risk the consequences. :D
Well I don't know about New York, but 16 is legal in Ohio.....

Road trip bro, bring her to Cleveland and have at it:devil:
Dude, you just can't tell about the girls anymore. A while back, before I had met the girl I'm with now, I was on a cruise to Stockholm and as wasted I was I managed to get along pretty well with a girl whose age I guessed somewhere between 22 and 25 years (I'm 20). Bought her drinks and shit, and a few moments later it turned out she was fucking fourteen. Or as she put it, "Almost fifteen!" Good bye, hope your dad won't find out I bought you cider. You treacherous skank!

Killlller story dude!!! Hhahaha.

That's quite the spicy meat-a-ball.
:yow: Nothing like an ALMOST fifteen year old treacherous skank!
I'm 27 and it sucks :D The time pass with more speed every day...very sad.
When we go to the gigs we are surrounded by ordes of kids and we feel like old men :\
Anyway...when I was 19 my girls was 16 and now I am 27 and my girlfriend is 23.....
Hahahahaahahahaha, Jeff, I have no idea who that band is and I'd never heard that song until now, but it's hysterically perfect (and the guitarist is pretty good too; solo is a little wanky, but in general another fine example of 80s playing, which I have a COLOSSAL hetero boner for ;)). Spioraid, yeah, I see you're rocking the manly man of the north beard, so that puts your perceived age up a notch or two - but isn't the problem there that girls who might be your age or close to it would be a little freaked thinking some 25+ year-old is hitting on 'em? :D And yeah, your advice is cruel and heartbreaking (and blue-balling), but it's the cold hard truth, so I appreciate it. :cry:

Wolfe, yeah, I'm pretty sure 16 is the age here too (and beyond dead, 14, christ, that's like ancient Rome :lol: ) - it's not so much legality as it is just self-respect (and respect from others) about trying to mack it to a girl in High School...I kinda draw the line at "just graduated high school" for my own standards of borderline-rape...arrrggghhh, if only it were illegal, then I would have another reason to try to convince myself to stay away... :lol:
Dude, you just can't tell about the girls anymore. A while back, before I had met the girl I'm with now, I was on a cruise to Stockholm and as wasted I was I managed to get along pretty well with a girl whose age I guessed somewhere between 22 and 25 years (I'm 20). Bought her drinks and shit, and a few moments later it turned out she was fucking fourteen. Or as she put it, "Almost fifteen!" Good bye, hope your dad won't find out I bought you cider. You treacherous skank!

Bahahahahaahahahha, the "almost fifteen!" is what seals it; had you already told her your age at this point? Cuz I would think that if she had any interest in you, she'd lie so you wouldn't react like you did! Which would've been great for that night, anyway... :heh:
It's funny, I live near DC so the average look for men around here is clean cut and shaven. I'm a politically-conservative independent, protestant, non-college attending musician/moviemaker Civil War re-enactor metal head. Trust me dude, I don't fit in freaking ANYWHERE so I've pretty much stopped hitting on girls...'cause I know it won't work.

If I ever find a girl that's willing and able, then there really is someone for everyone.

"Keep your stick on the ice. Remember, we're all in this together."