Arrgghh, I hate age differences...

I know!

Everytime I try to hook up with a chick, that punk-ass Chris Hansen walks out and fucks it all up.

Thanks dude, you owe my work a new keyboard. Apparently they don't like Monster energy drink dried up inside. Luckily, some water+paper towels got it off the screen. And, in case anyone was wondering, Monster does burn like hell in the nose.



^i'm pretty sure it was your home(o?) state of TX that outlawed the butt loving...goddamned sphincter fearing rednecks
When I was a youngin' my girlfriend at the time found out through one of her friends that anal sex was illegal in our state.

Guess who started having anal sex?

That law was good for something. :lol:
So I'm 21, and I daresay I look it (if not a bit older, especially when I have my sideburns). And I'm slowly coming to the very frustrating realization that I can't hit on just any chick who looks my age anymore, cuz for all I know she could be in High School (and I'm gonna be a senior in college next year). Case in point: at the Westchester Planning Dept. where I'm interning this summer, there's this incredibly cute and more importantly incredibly friendly intern who I was (and still am) really diggin', though when I asked her what else she was doing during the summer, among her responses was "Driver's Ed!"

"Wait - how old are you?" I inquired, amazed

"I'm only 16" she replied, smiling and laughing, slightly embarassed

ARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHH FUCK FUCK FUCK - and she often comes into my "office" (cubicle) where they store a lot of the environmental testing stuff (Hey, I'm an intern, I'm grateful to have a cubicle at all), and I have to fight the urge to hit on her with all of my will. Not really looking for advice or anything here, cuz I know there's no way around it - just venting, and I suppose there are some other dudes my age who are starting to realize this and can relate, and for the older guys, I guess you'd consider this something of a right of passage into adulthood! :mad:

Oh, and it should be obvious, but she doesn't look 16, it's not like I go out of my way to "cradle rob." :)

Legal aint it!? hit it for sure,

You know what they say, 'the cause for pedophiles is theres to many sexy kids about' hahah, I'm just fuckin with ya on that last comment, before anyone decides to get Chris Hanson on my case, haha!