Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer.

Pfft. Everyone knows that to know the meaning of cheese, you must first understand the meaning of cow.

O rly?

Cake or pie?

(ooo flash of lightning just then. thank god for surge protectors. nice weather we're having)
Well, I guess you could say Cake pie (being cake (any kind, really) mixed with apple pie) but if it was meat pie... I'm not sure I'd want to eat that.

So I choose Meat Loaf.

How many other planets support life?
just another one : planet hollywood it's simple!
why does feet get stinky after spending a whole day wearing rangers under a burning sun and climbing a mountain?
Cos i was too lazy to come by myself and buy you hash so i sent them instead .
Why is dadda mad after mamma smached his car ?
because he forgot to pay his car insurence....:mad:

If I was walking "not" running to town.

I see a man who was dressed as a clown.

I stopped the clown, he said to me.

How many balls in my hands do you see?
they are depressed , u'd better give them some valium
why feeling the need to peepee when u'r having an orgasm ?