At the Gates its overrated

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Born to Murder the World
May 23, 2002
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they are pretty are a pretty dull band, triggered drums, bland uninspired vocals, midpaced boringness

probably the most overrated metal band ever
SotS sucks, definitely. I agree that the vocals suck but I don't think any other style would fit the music. Their first 2 albums are pretty good, though
GoD said:
Post subject: I haven't been so moved by a piece of metal in a long time

Which is no mean feat considering this is about the fourth time I've re-discovered this album. Namely:

At the Gates - With Fear I Kiss The Burning Darkness (first 5 tracks - discard the rest)

This does not get its fair share of praise, partially due to its lacklustre second half I should imagine. I hope to change this, by encouraging you all to give the first half more of a chance. This is one of the most inaccessible pieces of metal available, at least to some, what with its complete lack of oomph in the production department, its unusually polyphonic texture and generally harsh sound. Do NOT let this put you off.

Beautiful beyond words, tracks two to five in particular are soaked in organic flavour. Unique and intricate harmonic ideas provide the backbone, flowing juicily into one another through an array of moods, creating some of the most epic metal ever put to CD (despite the short lengths). Its lyrics are among the best in the history of death metal, put to the music highly effectively, with distinct leanings towards nature and nihilism thematically which are clearly reflected within.

A concentrated listen whilst reading the lyrics is in order here, folks. Just listen to the way "The Break of Autumn" builds up to that amazing climax (you'll know the one I mean), or the way tension rises and falls in "Raped by the Light of Christ" creating a mammoth epic (in less than 3 minutes of course).

Just to put this into perspective, this probably resonates with me on a personal level more than any other death metal work (partly because it's the first death metal I really got into, perhaps). I'm not going to suggest it's quite up there with The Chasm and Demilich from an objective standpoint, as I know how intelligent and stimulating their work can be, but I can't help but feel the great majority of you aren't doing this one justice.

That's right. Search your shelves. Thank me later.


GoD said:


GoD said:
Everything post-Primal Breath is alright at best, abysmal at worst


Words of wisdom.
Slaughter of The Soul plain out sucks ass. It's scary how people consider it one of the best 90's metal albums.
lol i like how after god posts his entire rebuttal, terrifyer says sots sucks even though we all know sots DOES suck and god hates it too
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