At this moment not only does Still Life click but so do opeth


Junior Member
May 29, 2001
London, England
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After some months now Opeth are finally starting to really click:) , im new to opeth compared to most people here i think and for a few months now i've considered them one of my favourite bands, i really enjoy their music and AT THIS MOMENT i am feeling the songs and seeing them in different ways, hearing new things inside them:confused: , strange. i know opeth havent entirely clicked to a point where i cant live without listening to them every minute of every day, so theres more to come, yay!!!!!!!!!!
I hope that time will come for you too :)

Personally I haven't listened to Opeth for weeks (waiting for gasps of amazement and curses like "hethen!"), I'm totally absorbed by just a few albums:

Therion - Secret of the Runes
Moonspell - Darkness and Hope
Saturnus - Martyre

Except for the Saturnus album these are some awesome new releases!
All 3 albums rock and I think they are each artist's strongest album to date.
Johan: Is Darkness and Hope really better then the last 2 albums? Cause those 2 fucking suck! I love Wolfheart and Irreligious, and the old black metal shit is pretty good in itself too. Just wondering if its really anything decent to even buy.
Confessor, Darkness and Hope is great. I also love Wolfheart and Irreligious, while SIN was ok and the Butterfly Effect never did anything for me.
I don't know your taste beyond that, but take a listen in your cd store, or try to pick up some mp3s (if you plan on buying it later) ;)
Hope you like it too, it's really good!
Hey Johan, what about the Therion one ? Have they recovered from the math-classick-Bach-by-numbers-plus-rejected-Accept-riffs disease of Deggial ? What does this new record sound like ?

NP: Marduk - Panzer Division Marduk
First of all, I don't play any instrument myself so I'm not good with "terms" and can't tell you who stole what riff from where etc etc.

This is what I can tell you about the new Therion:
Imagine Theli, exchange the egyptian influences for norse mythology, add power, add depth, use more choir/orchestral themes... I think it blows your mind :)

I can't hand out any mp3s (Yes, I have them, but yes, I'm darn well buying the cd when it's out)
All I can say is, I HAVE seen them on Gnutella and elsewhere. So they're out there.
Good luck :)
Perhaps I should also point out... that even though it's often hard to hear what's being sung, I can definitely make out some parts in Swedish, and there's also one song in German (Schwarzalbenheim)

I don't know German, but still this doesn't bother me in the least :)
I guess many metal fans are used to not knowing what their favourites sing about sometimes ;)