Australian Idol 2006

I think it's great when everyone bags Mark for being a goose, but consider touchdowns to be such a badge of honour for the singers. Stupid people.

Mark is the only judge whose opinions I think really matter on the show. Maybe it's because I usually agree with him (didn't see the big deal about Dean, though, and still wonder why Lisa is in a singing constest considering she can't - or won't - actually sing).
I really haven't been watching Idol very much. But I saw it tonight and thought Damien was really good for the most part, some of his falsetto parts grated on me, but I think that was mainly because they were in the context of that song. Some parts of the song sounded absolutely fantastic.

Lisa's performance was the only one I enjoyed without any reservations.
He messed with two of my fave songs...and paid the price.

Not that I voted for or against him, but some songs are inviolable.

Ad HE didn't have a viola.
Let's get one thing straight. The fact that Bobby went last night instead of Ricky is an absolute farce. A joke. Ricky singing an easy Robbie Williams song was worse than pathetic.

My thoughts on Bobby have changed a little. I've only seen him a few times, and according to the little 'highlights' reel I only ever saw his weakest performances. Werewolves and Under Pressure were rubbish, but some of his other songs/arrangements sounded quite cool.
ceydn said:
I watch Idol so I can see talented singers breathe fresh life into songs I've heard a million times before. If they nail it (although few and far between), I fucking enjoy it to the maxx. Damien really nailed Wicked Game with his awesome arrangement and his falsetto runs, for example. And Daniel Hamill on Popstars Live when he sang I Just Whispered Your Name blew me away hardcore. Dan England in the semi's last year when he did "Tenderness" was AMAZING as well.

Bobby Flynn did not deserve to be there. He was there because they wanted to 'be different' this year, by introducing a couple of weirdos (him and Lisa). If you have gotten the impression that I dig 'quirkiness' or whatever, then you're wrong. I dig anything that is good. Quirky can produce some awesome stuff. Devo are quirky as fuck, but they also sound good.

Bobby Flynn does not sound good.

And not to mention it irritates me when the mainstream public sees this sort of thing as 'so original and unique' - just because they haven't listened to anything outside of what is mainstream. I'm not attacking the mainstream, there is a lot of good songs out there - but just because this guy makes Idol, they finally 'appreciate' something different. Yeah, sure, he doesn't really sound like anyone I've heard before. But that's because he sounds like shit and other people don't want to sound like shit. So it pisses me off that because he's on Idol he gets all this undeserved attention.

There are far better 'artists' out there than Bobby Flynn. And I can't stand his voice. And he didn't deserve to be on the show.

So there were many reasons why I couldn't stand him.

Most of all though, it was that muppet falsetto thing. Although it was funny to laugh at I suppose.

Well said :rock:
I watched Aus Idol for the first time in my life the other night for like 10 min, then I grew phsyically ill. That Dean cunt will win it, he's a handsom young man with a nice smile and he can 'play' guitar. All the 14 yr old girls will vote for him, talent contest my arse; It's a matter of who can woo the most virgins.
Yes the teenie girls who wouldn't know talent if it hit them in the face are to blame.They also all love him because he says his a virgin and saving himself for marriage. They all think awww his so sweet and soooooo cute.The mums out there vote for him because his sweet young man and wet themselves over him and his boyish good looks.
How good was Bobby's song tonight?

You know, I used to watch the Muppet Show every week when I was a kid, and I can't remember anyone sounding like Bobby. So, Ceydn, which muppet does Bobby sound like?