avant garde metal


Dec 12, 2005
hey there i was wondering what other opeth listeners thought about bands like Age of Silence, Winds, Arcturus and Green Carnation. Would u consider them in the same vein as Opeth? i mean, they more of progressive but i still find them avant garde esque at times
eh...when I think of avant garde metal I think of stuff like Ephel Duath, Naked City and Painkiller (with John Zorn), Brutal Truth, and even newer stuff like Dillinger Escape Plan. But out of the ones you mentioned, I'd say especially Arcturus can be real out there at times.
I love all this stuff. Check out Subterrnean Masquarade great avant garde stuff.
I love Winds and Arcturus. I've heard a little Age Of Silence, and I dunno... I just didn't think it was that good. Nowhere near Winds standard. Is 'The Concept Of Haste' one of their better songs?
I'm probably mistaken in my definition, but I alwyas think of 'avant-garde' as something truely out-there and weird. By this definition, I think of Blut Aus Nord, Ephel Duath (with whom I'm not that familiar yet) and Today Is The Day.
i don't think Blut Aus Nord are avant garde...

They're more black metal
But i don't really care for all this categorising of music, it makes no difference
I mean can someone tell me what Avante Garde Death Noise CrustCore with a proggy theme is?

I just class music as good or bad and leave it at that

I think people miss out on a lot of good music because they saay they don't like a certain style, for ages i said i hated Metalcore and wouldn't listen to any of it but then i heard a Glaswegian Metalcore band called Mendeed and it was just so fucking good

So the morale of the story is...uhhh.... who knows, i was just ranting
April Etheral said:
I just class music as good or bad and leave it at that

I think people miss out on a lot of good music because they saay they don't like a certain style...

Fantastic, a likeminded Scotsman! It's so true, whats the point of categorising? I like music. ALL styles. It's not about the style. It's about whether or not it's any fuckin' good! :)
rammpeth said:
hey there i was wondering what other opeth listeners thought about bands like Age of Silence, Winds, Arcturus and Green Carnation. Would u consider them in the same vein as Opeth? i mean, they more of progressive but i still find them avant garde esque at times

You just listed 5 of my top 20 favorite bands. They are all progressive. And I would classify Winds and Arcturus as avant garde. Though I'm not sure what that means.