Axenrot is awesome.

daz436 said:
i've never had a bad word to say against axe and neither have alot of other people who have posted here positively. don't generalise.

Damn right, I've never crapped on the Axe and plenty have been supportive of him too.
Plenty of posts i have seen against Axenrot, where far too seldom has praise been voiced. If you sense bitterness, it is that without MA posting in defence of Axe, i doubt a thread like this would be here.

Forgive my reckless, out of control generalizing behaviour.
Yes he's awesome... But I don't think he's as accurate as Lopez...

Another thing that has been on my mind... What about the percussion
in Opeth songs? Tambourils and such?! How's gonna play that on new records now
when Lopez are long gone ? :( :(

Damn I miss Lopez so much. Missed him on the concert as well :(

Mmm it's gonna be interesting hearing his own work, though! :)
Lopez hasn't been in opeth for the better part of a year, it's been axe. Lopez isn't a "legend" more than any other metal drummer. like mike has said, lopez doesn't even write most of the drum parts. Don't get me wrong, I love the guy, but most people here are mourning the death of opeth. Sorry, lineups change. Axe is a fucking awesome drummer and the band will only benefit from his style.
i would just like to go on the record here and say that ANYONE in this thread who has posted something beyond "too bad lopez isnt in the band, i will miss him, but im sure axenrot is up to the challenge" is a complete fucking baby and needs to be bludgeoned in the face with a splintered meat mallet. thank you, that is all.

p.s. dry your eyes, and grow up.
Rødt_Og_Svart said:
Lopez hasn't been in opeth for the better part of a year, it's been axe. Lopez isn't a "legend" more than any other metal drummer. like mike has said, lopez doesn't even write most of the drum parts. Don't get me wrong, I love the guy, but most people here are mourning the death of opeth. Sorry, lineups change. Axe is a fucking awesome drummer and the band will only benefit from his style.

i really think per brought down opeth. hows that for a new addition o.O
I think besides from Closure(I like Lopez version way better) Axe was awesome when I saw Opeth in April.

Its going to be interesting to see what Axenrot can do on the comming albums.
Benighted Joe said:

Yeah it seemed Lopez didnt wrote the drumlines it was Mike?!
So what Lopez said on the documentary was wrong? "I make
90 % of the drumming parts myself"

they collaborate...just like with every other part...Mike writes the basics so to speak (at least, that how it was stated on lamentations), and they more or less tweak it to what they feel is the best outcome.
i think we cant make a judgement on how axe's sound will mesh with opeths until the next recording. everyone needs to just calm down from what ive been reading, and let axe and the boys get on with it.