Sepultura is another band I wanted to like, the drumming is awesome but I hate everything else about that band.
Don't worry, it's not you, it's them.
Sepultura is another band I wanted to like, the drumming is awesome but I hate everything else about that band.
Listen to your old man!ugh my dad's been trying to get me into porcupine tree for like a year
btw Winter. is a chick.
Don't listen to him. They're really overrated by their fans for being supposedly original for playing a style of music that was already played in the 1970's without doing anything that's actually experimental or cool aside from telephone vocal effects in almost every song.
Coming from a guy who likes Queen.
First off, no two albums of theirs sound the same. THE most innovative band I've heard.
Andat telephone vocal effects. Go listen again dipshit.
Jenn is such a masculine name, Jenn.
Not saying BEYOND every other band, I'm saying that their music is very in depth and takes repeated listens to appreciate it in full.Okay, then you can now proceed to tell me what they do that is musically innovative beyond every other band. Go on, I want to know.
Not saying BEYOND every other band, I'm saying that their music is very in depth and takes repeated listens to appreciate it in full.
THE most innovative band I've heard.
Indeed I am.
And just for the hell of it, what is wrong with my sig? Type O Negative ftw in my opinion!
Queen does also, for instance go research Bohemian Rhapsody.
Have you ever heard "Bohemian Rhapsody" by any chance?