Bands/albums you want to like, for some reason

Don't listen to him. They're really overrated by their fans for being supposedly original for playing a style of music that was already played in the 1970's without doing anything that's actually experimental or cool aside from telephone vocal effects in almost every song.
Don't listen to him. They're really overrated by their fans for being supposedly original for playing a style of music that was already played in the 1970's without doing anything that's actually experimental or cool aside from telephone vocal effects in almost every song.
:lol:Coming from a guy who likes Queen. First off, no two albums of theirs sound the same. THE most innovative band I've heard.

And :lol::lol::lol: at telephone vocal effects. Go listen again dipshit.
:lol:Coming from a guy who likes Queen.

The irony. :lol:

First off, no two albums of theirs sound the same. THE most innovative band I've heard.

Okay, then you can now proceed to tell me what they do that is musically innovative beyond every other band. Go on, I want to know.

And :lol::lol::lol: at telephone vocal effects. Go listen again dipshit.

Haha, no thanks. I heard enough the first time.
Jenn is such a masculine name, Jenn.

I'm obviously just that guy who likes Queen.

I'm still waiting to hear what Porcupine Tree does that is so musically innovative. The only way they'd be the most innovative band anyone had ever heard was if they only listened to the current Top 40.
Okay, then you can now proceed to tell me what they do that is musically innovative beyond every other band. Go on, I want to know.
Not saying BEYOND every other band, I'm saying that their music is very in depth and takes repeated listens to appreciate it in full.

Take The Sky Moves Sideways in their psychedelic stage, then they move on to Lightbulb Sun and Stupid Dream which are very melodic and even borderline Alternative at times. In Absentia was their introduction to becoming a heavier band and now they pretty much are still a prog-rock band with metal thrown in at the right places.
Not saying BEYOND every other band, I'm saying that their music is very in depth and takes repeated listens to appreciate it in full.

A second ago you said this:
THE most innovative band I've heard.

According to the definition of the word innovative, Queen is a more innovative band than Porcupine Tree. Have you ever heard "Bohemian Rhapsody" by any chance?

That song contains extremely complex and original vocal arranging (over 180 overdubs, in fact), combines genres of music as diverse as opera and heavy metal in a way that had NEVER been done before, is acyclic (meaning it doesn't follow verse-chorsu-verse song structure or any type of repetition), contains over 60 unique chord progressions played on multiple different instruments and it was composed entirely by one self-taught pianist who had no knowledge or formal training in any type of music.

It's also the world's most popular song according to numerous surveys and phone polls.

Being innovative means you actually do something that shows innovation, which means it has NEVER been done by ANYONE. The funny part is that nobody else has created anything that sounds like that Queen song, but countless musicians have been influenced by that song and the band's entire catalogue.

Queen is objectively a more innovative and influential band than Porcupine Tree will likely ever be. Period.
We are the champions - my friends
And well keep on fighting - till the end

Right Jenn you sexay bitch.

.......cause we are the champions of the world!