Bands/albums you want to like, for some reason

Some bands that garner much praise but have never appealed to me all that much:

Agalloch - I enjoy the atmosphere and the riffs, but much of it seems repetitive and overwrought.
Summoning - same goes for these guys. They are epic as hell, but their keyboards bother me and their songs drag on for way too fucking long without any progression.
Xasthur - the haunting ambience is definitely present, but songwriting is severely lacking in most of his albums.
This is in fact the point of the band.

Well, I don't buy it. I like Lugburz because of the more traditional black metal sound, but the keyboards on Minas Morgul are very grating to my ears. I do like some of the songs, but I have never been able to listen to it all the way through in one sitting.

Also, add early Metallica to that list. As much I have tried to enjoy their classic albums, I would rather get fucked in the ass by a wooden stake than listen to James Hetfield's voice for a full album. Though, No Life Till Leather was indeed a good listen because of its brevity and raw production.
Oh god... believe me, I've tried for years to appreciate the guy but he sounds like a puking drunk, I can't handle him :erk:

Wow, I thought I was the only one that wasn't a fan of Dorian's voice. It's probably why I can't get into Cathedral at all.

The vocalist for Doomraiser is a perfect example of how Dorian should have sounded.
*Echoing the Ildjarn-motion :p
Also, Neurosis and Blut Aus Nord, which are both something I should like,
but still I remain rather ambivalent...
demilich only really hit me occasionally, same goes for some other stuff like obscura, ildjarn, molested etc

i can't think of anything i *want to like* though
I generally want to like most any progressive and avant-garde death metal and thrash. I think mostly because I assume it IS higher quality, since it is not the status quo, plus I have liked bands in those categories in the past. I do end up liking many, but not all of them. I like more prog than avant-garde.

I wanted to like early Alchemist, but I have Jar of Kingdom, and I don't think I like it. I want to like Maudlin of the Well, but I have My Fruit Psychobells...whatever, and I have yet to give it much of a listen, or to get into what I have heard so far.
Immolation bores the fuck out of me, despite the cool band name, connection to a cool scene, cool touring partners, etc. I'm going to spin Unholy Cult 'til I enjoy it, damnit.

btw I didn't used to like Morbid Angel or Suffo either, but I was so convinced they must be good that I kept listening to them... and now I love them. So that gives me hope for Immolation.

Unholy Cult is a good starting place, right?