Bands that first got you into metal


Oct 4, 2005
I noticed there has not much chit chat on the forum lately so I thought to start stupid thread. What are some bands that first got you guys into metal?
For me , Slayer was the first heavy music I heard. Then Metallica (master of puppets) era. yeah I know there lame now but back in the day when I was 13-14 it was cool. Then a friend had a Pestillence tape and that started my Death metal Interest. Then Death, Obituary, Morbid Angel. So all I really listen to still is stuff that is 10 years old. Thats why I like Bloodbath alot, They have that old style that I like. More useless info= I think I have the same birthday as one of the bloodbath guys 5-19-75.
What are some newer bands you guys like? :headbang:
I started out a couple of years ago when I was looking for a band that had heavy music, but with clean vocals that I could understand. Before this, I was a major fan of Tool and Marilyn Manson, and Slipknot before all seems so ridiculous now.

Anyway, I had found out about Opeth somehow, and went to download some of their songs from Kazaa. I remember loving their clean songs (Harvest, etc.) butI hated the growling, it pretty much ruined the music for me. I listened to these mp3's more and more over time as they played randomly from my playlist, and while I still didn't enjoy the growling that much, I slowly started adapting to it the more I heard it.

After about 6 months, I started looking for other bands, when I discovered such acts as Cradle of Filth, Killswitch Engage, and Children of Bodom. I don't necessarily like any of these bands now, but they definitely served their purpose in getting that first foot through the door. The more I listened to these bands, the more tolerance I had began to build up for some of the more raw stuff out there.

It took about a year, but I finally started to enjoy the growling in Opeth's music, and had finally began developing a sense of respect for that style of singing. Soon later I heard about Bloodbath through some Opeth fan site, and I think it was Bloodbath who really sealed the deal for me, I have been hooked on death metal ever since, and now have such a great appreciation for this type of music in general.

I have since branched out to various different metal acts, but I owe all the credit to Opeth and Bloodbath.
For me it all started with Guano Apes and Korn.. And after that I kept checking out heavier and heavier bands.. Today I still listen to Guano Apes and Korn (they've got their own little special place in me).. but I listen to anything from Hypocrisy, to 1349, to Mudvayne, to Khold, to Darkest Hour, to Maiden.. I find many different metal sub-genres worth my time :)
metallica.(now i hate them)
then megadeth,iron maiden stuff...
then i listened black metal,doom almost every style(dont forget anathema,empyrium its special bands for me) but i stick into death metal.
newer bands:almost all bands suck! opeth is the best metal band in the world for other bands i listen technical stuff.(crytopsy,gorguts,Necrophagist,Atheist,Cynic,Psyopus etc)and of course bloodbath.i love pure stuff.Morbid Angel,hate eternal,nile,Decapitated etc.
like i said i just listen to death metal now.for non metal riverside very good dont forget radiohead its best alternative band
and last these days i listen john zorn :)
Cool thread, you can all read about it to the left on my lastfm-site, just click my signature.
What cought my attention about Bloodbath was the "Entombed-sound", since i loved Clandestine and Left Hand Path so damn much back in the 90's, still do.
Actually, I have 2.

The first was when I first heard System of a Down. I was 13 at the time, and had never really listened to music before. Well, my friend suggested this band (and a bunch more I forgot), and so I downloaded a few songs. I, at first, thought they were too heavy (how ironic), and left them alone for a while. But, a few months later, I decided "why have all this crap on my computer of I'll never listen to any of it?" So I decided to delete them. However, lucky for me, I gave them one more listen before I deleted them. I didn't delete them.

I was suddenly in awe of what I'd heard, it was a feeling I'd never had before. I just got drawn in by the music, and I really really LIKED it, somewthing I'd never felt before. Like the music was touching a part of me that had never been touched before. I immediately went and downloaded (later bought) everything by them I could find. I found smilar bands through their forum, and my friend. That was September 2002.

In August 2003, I had my second one. I was a pretty big nu-metal fan back then, occasionally listening to stuff like Metallica. And one day, at my grandpa's 80th birthday party, I was talking to my 2nd cousin, who liked some of the same stuff as me. And we talked for a bit, and then he decided to play me some of his stuff. The first track he played was Opeth's 'Deliverance".

And I fell in love. The growls were better than anything I'd ever heard before, the clean vocals were beautiful, and I was just in awe. The whole song was amazing. I sat through the entire song without getting bored once. Then, he put on something else (I think it was Cradle of Filth) which was OK. And then he played Blind Guardian's "And Then There Was Silence", and I loved that too. I was in love with this stuff. As soon as I got home, I went on Kazaa Lite and downloaded every Opeth song I could find.

6 album buys, 2 shirts, a poster, and 2 years later, I still love Opeth. And over these past years I've just got more and more into metal, and music in general.
For me, it all started with slipknot. I think everyone my age (19) or younger in north america that likes metal went through a slipknot phase.... But from the Hundres of Metal magazines featuring slipknot, I started reading about other, more extreme bands like Morbid Angel and Cannibal Corpse.
I started diggin' Kiss when I was about 9 years old. And with that I started playing drums. When I reached 15 I got into Tool and alot of the 70s music, like Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin. But the whole metalthing came with Opeth a year later.
Hmmm i started listening to heavy music in 1990 or 1991 or so. I was 8 then :) My first albums were illusions by Guns'n'Roses and some shit recorded by Aerosmith hehe. After that, in 1992, my grandma bought me Metallica and their "Ride The Lightning" and when "Fight Fire With Fire" came out of my speakers I thought the hell gates became open for me hehe, goddamn even my grandma told me it was cool :headbang: This was my beginning :)
It started with 2 legendary Swedish metalbands for me. Europe and Electric Boys. Went on with Skid Row and then Metallica, Megadeth, Sepultura, Entombed.....and it went on with many many bands around -95 (Naglfar, Necrophobic,Opeth, Dissection Mörk Gryning, Deicide...+many more)
If you MUST know, it was Korn. Korn led me to this weird ex-friend of mine who somehow got me into some shit online roleplaying game where this guy introduced me to Opeth by sending me The Drapery Falls. After that he sent me Bloodbath's Furnace Funeral, and after that it just all came to be.
For me it was back in '88 when I was in a fucking wheelchair pissed of because of a car accident...I was bored as hell so I went to the local recordstore and saw the cover of the Killers album by Iron Maiden and there were a lot of posters announcing the coming of the Seventh Son album so i bought the Killers album and felt in love with the style those guys had back in the '80's...I was into prog-rock and some punk and even bands like Zepellin and Rainbow, but Iron Maiden was so much better...Then Thrash and black metal (the old school Black metal style like Bathory, voivod , Venom and even some Darkthrone and Mayhem) and of course Death metal started to caught my atention and well here I am posting in the Bloodbath forum wich is one of the two "newer" metal bands that I enjoy along with The Haunted:headbang:
started with Linkin Park haha, and then after that i got on and actually found some gothic metal stuff that interested me. They were Katatonia and Lacuna Coil.

After that, my boyfriend and bunch of friends online showed me In Flames, Sentenced, and Children of Bodom. At first i liked more of the Cob, Kalmah, Eternal tears of Sorrow Finnish sound along with the goth stuff like HIM, sentenced, entwine, etc, but i slowly moved on to more Swedish Melodic Death like soilwork, dark tranquillity. At first i didn't like Death metal too much, but now i like a lot of bands, including BLOODBATH, Vader, Behemoth etc. =) but melodeath/thrash is still my fav genre.
i started out listening to stuff like tool and godsmack etc. then i got myself an edumacation and started listening to old school metallica, megadeth, testament, slayer, anthrax, exodus and the like, I also listened to bands like Iced Earth, Blind Guardian then moved on to the heavier stuff like children of bodom and new exodus, and now i listen to a range from COB, Bloodbath to Killswitch Engage
For me it was back in 7th grade. I never really listened to any music before. My friend burned me some Korn albums. From there I started getting into things like System of a Down and Godsmack. Then I got introduced to Metallica and liked them a lot. When I got a computer, I got kazaa and asked one of my friends what were some cool bands to download songs from. He recommended Children of Bodom (back when they were unheard of) , Morbid Angel, and some other stuff. Then from there I started getting into Hypocrisy, Kreator, and all this other badass music. I got into Bloodbath because a friend of mine gave me a link to the website and told me to download "Ways to the Grave." Now, here I am, a death metal fanatic.