Bands That Have Gotten Progressively Worse With Each Album

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SculptedCold said:
1 - you're not a mind reader and you cannot simply deduce a person's pure motives simply from the music they write.....certainly not to the extent of being able to seperate the intents of two extreme metal musicians writing similar-sounding music.
It's not mind-reading, and it's not rocket science. All it takes is fairly basic level of observation and attention to culturally understood aesthetic signifiers. Metal of course makes all of this vastly easier via the inclusion of lyrical content

2 - people enjoy and are attracted to how some things sound, regardless of their genuine intent.
Agreed. The 'ear candy' phenomenon can extend quite beyond music that is purely ear candy in an absolute sense. The point I was making is that "sounds good" or "looks good" may establish a basis for personal enjoyment, but they are insufficient to establish actual quality.

You talk as if genuine art should be impossible to enjoy, or at least difficult to grasp
Not at all, my point is that enjoyment alone doesn't make it art.

Your seperation of popular and 'genuine' art on the basis of intent and ideology is extremely fragile and unclear
Any attempt to delineate and qualitatively assess abstract concepts is bound to be inherently "fragile" (due to the necessity of advancing certain undemonstratable assumptions to create an argumentative framework) and "unclear" (since abstract concepts are, after all, well, abstract). Still, "fragility" and "unclearness" aside, I'm the only one in this thread who has developed any sort of coherent, consistently applicable framework for analysis, which means I'm still ten steps ahead of everyone else who has posted here. Until someone else develops a coherent, competing analytical methodology, I'm pretty much winner by default.
anonymousnick2001 said:
Death's newer albums WERE good. Better than the older ones. They had melody, wheras SCG was death metal tripe. Melody=good. ¿Comprendes?
No, melody = an aesthetic technique. It is not good or bad in and of itself, its value lies in how it is used as a means of expression.
Planetary Eulogy said:
Ah yes, "manners." Manners, like "civility" and other social concepts, are really just the face of someone trying to sell you something. The intelligent have no use for "manners" when instructing those less able than ourselves (such as you and your fellow fanboys).

Wow, the incoherence of this statement is hilarious

No, there's no problem with the coherence of the statement. Your real issue with it is that it exposes your underlying motives for insisting on conformity to social expectations and taboos.
I know i will cop some shit for this but i am still hanging in there with In Flames. Never hit anything like Whoracle or Jester Race since but colony is good, clayman is ok, the new one... good parts and i can enjoy it but i can understand ppl that have gone off them...
Anyways... metallica has to be the big one... what a great band gone to shit...
//Sirob Leroi
Planetary Eulogy said:
This is advice that lesser people such as you absolutely must live by. For intelligent folks like myself who already grasp the truth, it's an unnecessary distinction. We've reached a point of enlightenment sufficient to ensure that our opinions and the truth are one and the same. I'm sorry you lack that skill, but it's really not my fault.

Wrong. Truth is truth. The "beholder" only plays a role inasmuch as he possesses the ability to perceive the truths which already exist. I, fortunately, am blessed with that ability. You are clearly not. Now run along.
:lol: who needs to argue when you ruin your credibility all by yourself? nice work: you've just ensured that no one will take you seriously. in the face of this cartoon egotism, who could?
saturnix said:
:lol: who needs to argue when you ruin your credibility all by yourself? nice work: you've just ensured that no one will take you seriously. in the facteof this cartoon egotism, who could?
And if you think I'm wholly serious, you're a bigger fool than I thought...and I thought you quite the fool as it was.
Heh, PE gets flamed, whatever he says. I agree that his arrogance can be quite irritating, but some of these comments are just pathetic. It was even worse with Demiurge, in that thread about Opeth. Don't just disagree with people for the sake of disagreeing, have a decent argument to back it up.
Planetary Eulogy said:
And if you think I'm wholly serious, you're a bigger fool than I thought...and I thought you quite the fool as it was.
of course you weren't entirely serious; your self-embarrassment didn't hinge upon your seriousness.
Let's see, you cite an entirely tongue-in-cheek reply as the only evidence of my supposed "self-embarassment," and then try to pretend you weren't taking it seriously. Nice try, but, as usual, you failed, faggot.
Planetary Eulogy said:
Let's see, you cite an entirely tongue-in-cheek reply as the only evidence of my supposed "self-embarassment," and then try to pretend you weren't taking it seriously. Nice try, but, as usual, you failed, faggot.
Is this more of your tongue-in-cheek crap? Yeesh, it seems like everytime you foul up, you try and cover it up by saying it's "tounge-in-cheek". Har I say, HAR!
Timmeth said:
Is this more of your tongue-in-cheek crap? Yeesh, it seems like everytime you foul up, you try and cover it up by saying it's "tounge-in-cheek". Har I say, HAR!
More likely its a combination of your own vindictiveness and inability to recognize deliberate absurdity. Your failure to recognize my godlike perfection plays a role as well...
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