Bands that SOLD OUT

I hate to use the term 'sold out'. People change and bands change. That's life. But sometimes it's so damn obvious when bands do thing only for the money, that the only way to describe it is they sold out.

Most recent example I can think of is Volbeat. They had some poppy hits on their second album, and suddenly their third and fourth albums are filled with those. I guess they really like playing the big stages on festivals (not that there's anything wrong with it).
Metallica are obviously the biggest ones people accuse of selling out to make cash.
I can't argue with it, while they may have quite liked playing the stuff on Load and Reload, it certainly wasn't challenging them like their earlier work.
So Metallica started writing simpler music to sell more records.

Megadeth - RISK. I like the album but it's pretty fucking hard to deny it was an attempt to sell records.
So, Megadeth wrote more commercial music to sell records.

You guys will have plenty of examples of bands you liked that sold out.
When bands sell out and try to make more cash, they tend to just make simpler records with more of a "pop" feel.

Not Anthrax! It just hit me tonight, Anthrax have sold out in the biggest way possible, they make Metallica look like fucking Burzum (fuck me, Burzum used harmonies on Fallen, maybe not a good example but I can't think of a single band that hasn't been accused of selling out!!! hahahah)

Anthrax didn't just write pop songs, they actually formed a whole new band called the Damned Things to try and promote Anthrax.
Anyone over the age of about 15 fucking hates that kind of emo music right? How old is Scott and that other guy from Anthrax that isn't Dan Spitz? About 45 at least? 50? And they like pop/punk/emo music? I don't buy it. One minute you're writing some down picked thrash metal legendary riff, the next some teeny bopper bullshit three chord wonder?

The Damned Things was one big conspiracy to get 13 year olds into that shitty band, then they wonder about the weird beard bald guy and his beanie hatted Jesus-alike from a band called Anthrax and buy the whole 'Thrax back catalogue (and suffer a mental breakdown wondering what the fuck happened with the singers and a tiny watchmaker).

Am I reading too much into this? Does Scott REALLY love emo punk pop in his spare time? I fucking doubt it.

So i take it your not going to the Garage tommorow then??? lol
I wouldn't say all of these following bands are complete sell outs. But they at least tried to at one point

Metallica big time with The Black Album - This is the only band of all that really completely sold out and went from Thrash legends to pussy fags
Anthrax - after POT they completely changed to be more 'modern' and abandoned their thrash metal style
Megadeth with Countdown to Extinction and eventually RISK
Queensryche - Empire
Testament - The Ritual
Exodus - Force of Habit
Celtic Frost - Cold Lake
Life of Agony - Turned into STP
Morbid Angel - Illud Divinium Insanus
Sepultura - After Arise it was all over for Sepultura s we knew them
Napalm Death - Diatribes
Carcass - Swansong
Iron Maiden - Fear of the Dark, tried a bit more commercial sound didn't work
In Flames
Korn - Follow The Leader
Deftones - White Pony
Def Leppard - Everything after Pyromania
Kiss - Lick It Up

Just to name a few

Selling out is taking your music in the direction to get more sales right? Well I would say Anthrax sold out when they did the reunion. They said they needed to do it for income.
Selling out is taking your music in the direction to get more sales right? Well I would say Anthrax sold out when they did the reunion. They said they needed to do it for income.

The Ironic thing is they changed after POT to a more mainstream sound and tried so hard to sell out, but failed. They thought they were going to become the next Metallica but they executed it so poorly that instead of the becoming rich they were bitch slapped by all of their original fans who wouldn't touch the new albums with the new sound. So yes they were forced to go back to the formula they ditched after POT because in 2005 they finally realized that the fans actually wanted Spitz and Joey and Thrash metal. That reunion tour was very sucessfull for them and put a decent amount of $$$ in their pocket.

I agree they sold out, but not because of that tour itself, but because they got rid of Joey and Dan after it. They just flat out used those guys to make themselves money, then threw Joey out on the street again. That was them selling out.

So I guess in theory I agree that was them selling out for $$$ yet again.
? ?? ? ?? if any one has a problem with Anthrax... why are you taking the time to signed to this board.. and even waste your time posting on this page???? lmfao


The Damned Things was started to promo Anthrax?? AHAHAHAHAHAHAH that has to be the stupidest fucking statement I have heard in a long time...

boy... Anthrax fans sure have fallen off over the years, you sure you fucking idiots should maybe start following Lady Gaga or something lol
Celtic Frost > Cold Lake

Already mentioned, but that's when the expression "selling out" was invented...
? ?? ? ?? if any one has a problem with Anthrax... why are you taking the time to signed to this board.. and even waste your time posting on this page???? lmfao


The Damned Things was started to promo Anthrax?? AHAHAHAHAHAHAH that has to be the stupidest fucking statement I have heard in a long time...

boy... Anthrax fans sure have fallen off over the years, you sure you fucking idiots should maybe start following Lady Gaga or something lol

I'm just trying to stimulate some discussion here. :loco:

Seriously though - does Scott listen to pop punk/emo music? Does he really enjoy playing that stuff?
Or was it a good excuse to make easy money and promote his "real" band which he presumably does love playing in?

Come on, I think I have a point here!
Where does one draw the line between selling out and perhaps a band trying something different with their sound?

Whilst we all know some bands obviously did sell out but could we say that of all of them? Just because they adopt a more mainstream sound does it mean they sell out? Why? coz it's not metal?

I see both sides of the argument in this one.

Hell my own musical tastes have changed over time - and fuck me if I was a musician playing the same music for 25 years I would've surely explored doing other sounds or vibes otherwise it would get fucking boring.

Then again ya gotta put bread on the table ;-)
Where does one draw the line between selling out and perhaps a band trying something different with their sound?

Whilst we all know some bands obviously did sell out but could we say that of all of them? Just because they adopt a more mainstream sound does it mean they sell out? Why? coz it's not metal?

I see both sides of the argument in this one.

Hell my own musical tastes have changed over time - and fuck me if I was a musician playing the same music for 25 years I would've surely explored doing other sounds or vibes otherwise it would get fucking boring.

Then again ya gotta put bread on the table ;-)

Bands that start out hardcore/heavy/fast and end up going pop to me are sell outs. If they feel the need to write and record pop music they should at least change start a new side project so that the fans of the band aren't fooled into purchasing something they don't want. Why is it these bands that are accused of selling out always seem to go softer, more mainstream. You rarely see a band decide to go heavier and faster and more extreme. The bands go more mainstream to make more money and that to me is selling out.
Pantera went from pussy/glam/hair metal to Power/Thrash Metal and sold many more records than before.:lol:

Yep they are certainly one of those exceptions. Though I think Pantera was all Phil Anselmo. When he joined they were pussies. But he brought the heavy element to the band. Even that Power Metal album was a lot heavier and more true metal than the stuff they did prior to him in the band. I really don't think Dimebag, Vinnie, and Rex were ever truly into the more extreme metal like Phil is was. They were all great musicians but didn't have much direction.

So I am not sure they 'sold out' but they certainly changed once Phil came to the band. But who knows what really happened.

Them being glam rock pussies is one reason I believe Pantera never really got much respect from fans of more extreme types of metal.
Spot on Dumbass. I love the fact their label at the time was pushing them to recreate another mega hit album after The Real Thing and instead they come out with the most deranged, fucked up masterpiece that is Angel Dust.

Musical gold.
Hey guys, as I am currently locked up in my old, empty apartment with nothing except for a laptop & WLAN-box ... just wanted to hear you guys opinions on this one:

My greatest interests in life are music and sports. As we all know within the latter, it is not uncommon for big stars to make a few extra millions, when their careers are on the way down or over. For example, take Thierry Henry or David Beckham in the world of soccer.

Would anyone of you "allow" or "support" your favourite musicians doing the same thing? Cashing in after many years of dedication and hard work, making nothing but good honest music. I do not really see a problem with TDT as long as it does not interfere with the business of Anthrax. I don't need to listen to TDT if I don't like it. I bought the album, heard it maybe twice, but it is not my cup of tea. Let them get their chicks and their checks, that would be ok in my book.

Being a top athlete in sports, you might have 15 profitable years. Then, the body might not be the best buddy any more. How then to earn money through sport?

As a musician, if you can get 15 profitable years, that is pretty good ... as there are no guarantees that money will come on a steady basis for most bands (I mean there are loads of amateur bands who are risking being able to pay their rents). How then to earn money through music?

So - are we all against when musicians are selling out from time to time?
Spot on Dumbass. I love the fact their label at the time was pushing them to recreate another mega hit album after The Real Thing and instead they come out with the most deranged, fucked up masterpiece that is Angel Dust.

Musical gold.

Angel Dust is yummy goodness for sure, .......but if you asked me on a Monday which is my favourite FNM album, my answer would probably be different then it was on Sunday.
Hey guys, as I am currently locked up in my old, empty apartment with nothing except for a laptop & WLAN-box ... just wanted to hear you guys opinions on this one:

My greatest interests in life are music and sports. As we all know within the latter, it is not uncommon for big stars to make a few extra millions, when their careers are on the way down or over. For example, take Thierry Henry or David Beckham in the world of soccer.

Would anyone of you "allow" or "support" your favourite musicians doing the same thing? Cashing in after many years of dedication and hard work, making nothing but good honest music. I do not really see a problem with TDT as long as it does not interfere with the business of Anthrax. I don't need to listen to TDT if I don't like it. I bought the album, heard it maybe twice, but it is not my cup of tea. Let them get their chicks and their checks, that would be ok in my book.

Being a top athlete in sports, you might have 15 profitable years. Then, the body might not be the best buddy any more. How then to earn money through sport?

As a musician, if you can get 15 profitable years, that is pretty good ... as there are no guarantees that money will come on a steady basis for most bands (I mean there are loads of amateur bands who are risking being able to pay their rents). How then to earn money through music?

So - are we all against when musicians are selling out from time to time?

I don't see any problems with a bit of cashing in, regardless of it being musicians or athletes. There is, however, the credibility issue to take into consideration.

If an athlete, who had been a role model and promoter of healthy living and exercise for example ended up promoting a burger restaurant, Red Bull or something like that, one could argue that credibiliy had gone out the window. However, it would depend on who you ask.

For musicians, the credibility issue can be quite important as well. The trouble is that the fans often have different opinions about what is acceptable and what isn't. There are fewer obvious "ethical" credibility issues than for athletes, yet the fan base is highly opinionated and...dare I say it...often irrational.

For example, some die-hard Anthrax fans find it disgusting that Scott and Rob are doing their Damned Things thing. Some of those who are against the project voice their opinions solely based on the fact that they don't like the music. Maintaing credibility thus becomes a matter of sticking to one particular musical genre. Others say that music is music regardless of genre, and it's OK for artist to try out some different genres and sell some records.

I am amongst the latter.
However, when a popular athlete gets a sponsorship deal with Coca Cola I get rather speptical.