I guess I haven't given my opinions yet. Here are some:
Anathema: To be honest, 'A Dying Wish' and 'Lovelorn Rhapsody' aside, I thought they were pretty lacking as a doom metal band. 'Eternity' woul dhave been good if Vinnie had been able to sing at the time. But I adore the way they're changed. They've found their style, and are so much better for it. Underrated isn't a strong enough word.
Paradise Lost: I think the change they made on 'One Second' was a good idea. Nick Holmes realised he could actually sing, and his 'growl' was pretty pathetic. And 'Host' is one of my all-time favourite. Best songs they've ever written IMO. But when people didn't like it, they didn't know what to do. I understand, because they lost like, half of their fanbase, but 'Believe In Nothing' seemed forced, and ended up being pretty much their weakest record to date. I've very much enjoyed the two records since, but I can't help but feel that the 'Host' sounds was just where they were meant to go...
Ulver: Love the change. I'm not a huge fan of their black metal, and 'William Blake' was a huge improvement for me. If it weren't for Garms grating warble, that would be an all-time favourite of mine. I think some of their side-stuff (eg 'Lykantropen Themes') is a little hit-and-miss. But 'Perdition City' is a definate favourite of mine. Haven't totally made up my mind on 'Blood Inside'. Don't get me wrong, I really like it. I'm just not sure how much.
My Dying Bride: I really liked the change that 34.788% Complete' hearalded, but Stainthorpes decision to resume growlin after that was a wise one. He's not the best clean singer (understatement), but they work well interspersed with his fucking awesome growls. And I guess if they had stuck with the change, we never would have got 'The Dreadful Hours'. And that would have been, well... dreadful

Therion: I don't think the change is good. Don't get me wrong, their newer stuff is ok. But with the preoduction they have now, their deat-metal albums would be so awesome. 'Symphony Of The Dead' is an amazing song!
Katatonia: I'm so glad they changed. They've found what they're good at. Daniel is a much better drummer than Jonas is ever going to be, and Jonas has such a haunting, fragile clean vocal, it gives me chills. 'The Great Cold Distance' pwns us ALL!
The Gathering: I'm a little less familiar with them as a whole, but from what I've heard, I like the change. 'Souvenirs' has much better atmospherics than albums like 'Mandylion', and it gives Anneke the chance to show what an incredible voice she has. And the Trickster G duet is awe-inspiring!