Bands you don't "get"

This is a tradition from the Savatage board, a question that asks - what metal band do you feel is over-rated or has no impact on you, yet others seem to love them.

Here are mine:

Blind Guardian - what's the big deal? Mediocore vocals (a no-no for power metal) is probably the biggest turn-off for me. It's not that the songs are bad, I just don't understand why so many people go apeshit over them.

Pain of Salvation - maybe I was expecting too much, but I find some of their songs very bland.

Manowar - come on, this stuff is REALLY cheesy. Not bad musicians, but. . . ugh. :(

(recent) Fates Warning - no leads. No emotion. No interest. No listens. ;)

Nevermore - they just plain suck!!! HA HA! (just kidding :p )

Those are all I can think of now. Maybe I'll post again when I think of some more.

So. . . what bands don't YOU "get"??? ;)
:( HEY NOW DAMMIT! KISS is my favorite band of all time! Just because I grew up listening to them, though, I guess. Bands I could do without:
:( Kittie-people who think that chick can scream need to check out the band Shadow!
:confused: Black Label Society-just because I've heard "Battering Ram" on the radio too much!
:mad: Mushroomhead? Has anyone heard them? They're pathetic!
:cry: Theatre of Tragedy(not the one w/ the chick)-pretty gay shit.
That's all I can think of for now.
hey, we're talking on 2 threads now! Yup, there's another ToT and they suck so bad. It's like gay, goth, techno shit. I like the other ToT, especially the song "Lorelei."
In Flames
Children of Boredom

these are the first that come to my mind...btw yes you're talking about the same ToT,and they still have the chick on the new electro albums.The first one and especially Velvet Darkness They Fear were masterpieces though.
:confused: i didn't hear a chick on the cd, and there's no female name on the listing of the band members in the CD booklet.
But hey Amercian Alexi---dude, I TOTALLY agree with you about Down! I love PANTERA, but this Down crap is pretty much, well, crap! Too bluesy. Plus, from what I've heard on the radio, the production on their CD could be alot better!
Yeah, you mentioned you don't like KISS! You tryin' to end up like a gremlim burner! Nah, just kidding.
More bands I think we could all do without:
Creed-that qualifies as a band?
Nickelback-Yeah I'd like to see them on a football field! "Oww! That big dude hit me! I think we should make a song out of it so it can be #1 on all the commercial radio stations!"
Black Label Society-just because I've heard "Battering Ram" on the radio too much

ct_thrash- You actually hear BLS on the radio? That's fucked up dude. I've NEVER heard a BLS song on the radio, and doubt i ever will

Bands i don't get:

Pain of Salvation - so bland
Opeth - i mean great musicians, but seriously, they're music isn't the greatest
Opeth - i mean great musicians, but seriously, they're music isn't the greatest

Hehe, I can't let the Opeth comments go.

I just need to ask which CD's did you hear? I think they are definitely worth giving another listen to, it's not just another bland melodic swedish blackmetal band :D

They really do have a unique sound, the dynamics of the vocals are impressive and work very well. Opeth is a very emotional band :)

I don't know though, maybe they just aren't for you :confused:

Bands I don't "get":

Dream Theater- *yawn*
In Flames- Not that bad, but I don't see the huge appeal
Katatonia- Maybe I haven't listened enough, or maybe I was in the wrong mood, but it never did much for me
A lot of Deathmetal- I like Deathmetal sometimes, but I fail to see how some people like it better than most other metal
On the radio or MTV or whatever it's called now. I heard songs from Nickleback, Staind, Creed, and Puddle of Mudd back to back, and it felt like they'd all come from the same mind, a mind addled in mediocrity and down-tuned, tired-ass power chording. I hate these bands, I think they are vastly overrated and every time some schmuck comes into my store asking why they aren't the metal section, I just give them a sad look and them to buy Nevermore instead.

I just wanted to add that bit. And now, back to my dungeon.
Kiss, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden (though they had some good songs, I don't get why they're so huge)...hrm...Cannibal Corpse, Opeth, Katatonia (I do like some of their stuff, though), Pain of Salvation, Stratovarius, Martyr (sorry Trapped, but I don't think they're are as good as most other technical death bands, can't see what's so special there. They're good, just not as good as you have made them out to be.)...and many others that I can't think of at the moment.