Bands you hate most???


A God in my own mind
Nov 15, 2001
Atlanta and Chicago
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I'd have to say Creed and POD... they're OBVIOUSLY christian heavy metal... but they heavily deny it everytime they're confronted with it... also Creed have such big egos... they said "I think our new album willl do what Enter Sandman did for Metallica"... I mean jesus... at least acknowledge that you're a christian band... don't live a lie...

I would agree soundwise... it's sad.. I think Creed does some great things musically... I just hate when people try and hide from what they are... the only reason that they won't come out and say they're a christian band is because they're afraid it'll effect their sales
Ive always thought bands come out and say they are Christian because they can't sell anything as a regular band. So saying they are Christian might up the sales a bit....
Shitknot, Creed, Korn, Limp Biscuit, CoF, Dimmu Borgir, Graveland (damned Nazi bastards), In Flames (maybe I'm alone here, but I find anything after whoracle to be annoying as hell)
I hate limp is all people listen to around here...well that and creed..who i hate also. I hate that moby motherfucker too. slipnot, system of a down,corn are so god awful it disgust me to know their name. I hate MTV shit. Once upon a time MTV had Pearl Jam and Nirvana but now its all about brainwashing 14 year olds into thinking that crap their playing is music. I think i just hate pop-commercial music as a whole.
I said that before but: Limp Bizkit, because of Fred Durst, I really hate that idiot... Well, their music is crap, too, but so is the music of a thousand other bands and I'm not gonna hate any band for the music they make, that's a matter of taste.
For more about this topic, I suggest you take a look at the "shittiest band ever..." thread.
Zakk Wylde and his Black Label Society. He is the biggest fucking redneck I have ever seen. Speaking of redneck, Pantera also goes on my nerves for saying the same shit ever since they started "we are the real shit" etc. Man, they're not even heavy! Ozzy Osbourne should quit his career right now, I mean I'm getting his eariler recordings for X-mas (blizzard of ozz etc.) but that was when he actually had a career. His Suckfest also sucks bigtime....can you imagine Cryptopsy, Carnal Forge or Opeth playing there? I can't because that place is as much metal as my grandma. I almost forgot what I hate the most-Type O Negative and Peter Steele! These guys are a bunch of negative pricks who damn well know how to make music but instead of doing so, they just make a bunch of slow noise (world coming down).

NP: Enslaved-Slaget Ved Lindisfarne
hehe, I can't understand how you can put Hammerfall here! :)
IMO, they're not worthy of any hatred....I actually find them
seriously amusing :)

they're so clichée that's it's worth going to one of their concert
just to get a laugh!
Some pretty strong opinions so far..

I like pretty much anything, including people/bands such as Moby and System of a Down (which wasn't created to become commercial, and merely existed when heavier music became commercial around them).

KoRn HAD musical integrity for their first album. Limp Bizkit is just a shitty marketing machine for a whiny-voiced record exec. I think if Wes Borland tried, he could likely make some pretty decent music.

Type O Negative was never anything but a joke, and that was purely intentional. An argument can be said for a lot of other bands who know how to make music but just make noise (slow OR fast).

I suppose there's really a difference between good bands that get overplayed and misinterpreted, and bad bands that get overhyped and subsequently overplayed. A generalized hatred/dislike of popular culture leads a lot of people away from a band that could otherwise be appreciated by a wide range of people.

I can say that my least favourite band right now has to be either Sass Jordan or Tom Cochrane. I listen to popular rock radio all day long, and hear a lot of Default and Nickelback, but nothing grates my nerves more than this Canadian Content shit that they pick from the early 90s...
hmmmmmm i can't say i hate but for sure a great deal of nu-metal and "true" ( how pathetic! :devil: ) metal make me puke...

The same goes for Cradle of Filth,which actually are not so black metal....I'd rather label them commercial crap....
I'm sorry but their image is rather ludicrous :devil: and the music not so awe-inspiring as many label it...