Bands you hate most???

Why do you hate CoF so much???

I think some of their works is great musically. Is it just beacause that they sell lots of t-shirts and have done some videos???
I like pretty much anything, including people/bands such as Moby and System of a Down (which wasn't created to become commercial, and merely existed when heavier music became commercial around them).

Ok. But please do explain the guitar guy painting his face...starting out nice and lost the way to comerciality its even worst than being created for comercial reasons. If one its gonna be a greedy person one can at least hold some honor in it and express it openly.

Why do you hate CoF so much???

I think some of their works is great musically. Is it just beacause that they sell lots of t-shirts and have done some videos???

No. If you found their music nice good for you. But again explain the painting, the sado stuff, etc. You can talk about vampires ( ill be damned if you cannot ) all you want but when you try to look like one outside of LARP you have a problem...either a mental health one or a financial one.
Hail Eris!: MTV is shit. Avoid it. You are just giving them more ratings. You know nothing good ever comes on. Don't be brainwashed. :p

Patric: I would have to agree with you totally. I went to Ozzfest 2000, which wasn't that bad. I got to see Ozzy and a few other acts that weren't that bad. I saw Pantera who are borderline with me. They are pretty heavy or whatever, and the music isn't that bad. I cannot help to look at their glam metal days and look at them now. Ozzfest 2001 was complete shit other than seeing Black Sabbath. Marilyn Manson put on a visually-appealing show, but I don't like his music. Slipknot got the crowd into it, but I don't like them either. Each year Ozzfest gets worse and worse. Ozzy should truly start giving bands with talent spots on Ozzfest. It has lost it's edge now. The early Ozzfests were good with TOOL, Primus, Slayer, etc.

Duvall: I agree with you on the System of a Down thing. I believe they were/are a very good band. They got no recognition from the mainstream crowd until their latest release, which I haven't really given a chance. KoRn's first album was not bad for that style. They really lost it when they put out that album with Ice Cube and was really rap-influenced. They are bad, but they are no where near the level of Limp Bizkit. It's funny that you said Wes Borland could make some decent music. I always thought he was beyond the rest of the band. He actually quit the band and is no longer with them. He had his side project before he quit, and now it's his main band. I haven't listened to them yet, but I am curious to see what they sound like. He gained respect with me when he sang a little bit of an Iron Maiden song at some MTV awards this year.

To everyone else who mentioned Crazy Town and Linkin Park, I would have to agree with you totally. I saw both of these fine acts at Ozzfest 2001. My brother and I booed both of them and flipped them off through their entire sets. They were so horrible. I cannot believe people like this type of music. Hopefully, this will just be a phase. I am really ready for a metal resurgance in the near future.
OpetheanSoul, no need to tell me that. I do not wacth MTV ever.( My wife does sometimes though) and I am well aware of the brainwashing.("Shut up and")
I thought I made my hate towards MTV clear. I do not wacth it so i can love to hate it. I avoid it like the plague.
Wow! People hate some damn good shit around here! Zakk Wylde, Pantera and Ozzy! Hell I love all of those guys. You can hate any music you want of course it's not up to me what you hate, but absolutely All the metallers I know love all of those acts. I think they're all musically genuine and highly influential. Anyhoo

For 'metal,' 'heavy' or 'extreme' bands that I really just don't like I'd have to say:
Godflesh (everyone I know absolutely hates them, who exactly buys their stuff?)
Meshuggah (yuk)
at least I have repect for these bands, but...

Crazy Town
Marilyn Manson etc..
Just market their stuff to impressionable and insecure teens, now that really makes me wince!

Sadistik: You hate Dimmu Borgir, seriously. I'm really surprised at that. I consider them the band who are leading black metal into better things. (For God's sake no-one tell me they aren't black metal!)
Originally posted by Towelie
I'd have to say Creed and POD... they're OBVIOUSLY christian heavy metal... but they heavily deny it everytime they're confronted with it... also Creed have such big egos... they said "I think our new album willl do what Enter Sandman did for Metallica"... I mean jesus... at least acknowledge that you're a christian band... don't live a lie...

creed is heavy?

if you beleive in in god and like gothenburg metal go here:
i hate:
-cradle of dogshit
-type o my pals
-marylin mansion and others gay gothic men who try like dress like women with purple lipstick
-coal chamber - my fart sound more enjoyable than their music
-madonna - mother fucking bitch
-dave matthew band - can't even think up of a good name for his band
-staind - their music is like "my life is so painful, i wish you can be me."
"fred durst is a spiritual man" aaron lewis. bald-headed metal fans, that's the furthest it can go.
-pink floyd fans - too much weed. you step in to the room, smoke and smell of weed fill the whole atmosphere. and then there's this big ass speaker with this space-like music that make you wanna float and get high. "yo son. smoke some of this shit. 4:20 dog." and then one day i was listening to my friend talking to his mom through the phone. and then all teh sudden he said be right back. it was 4:20pm, so smoke his bong and then resume talking with his mom.

wow someone hate ozzy, without ozzy none of these band we listen to would exist. you'll be listening to mordern version of elvis by now.
I totally understand why people hate Cradle of Filth. But I find their music very interesting and they have a whole bunch on good songs. Sure is Dani Filth's voice very ugly, but I can stand that.
Originally posted by Achernar
Well, Crazy Town are ABSOLUTE FAGS!! No one is more hateful and less interesting musically...

You are absolutely right! They are definitely the worst band ever, stupid bunch of bandwagon-jumping-chili peppers riff stealing bastards! i cannot stand those dicks with their crap names like 'epic' and 'shifty shellshock'. they deserve to die. Painfully
ALL EMO BANDS! Emo is just hardcore minus the balls and I cannot stomach it.

I wouldn't have figured that Slayer would make this list. Even though GHUA isn't what I would call a stellar effort, they are still the ultimate metal band in my mind because of their previous releases.
Originally posted by Prudence's fall
I hate nu-metal

from the metal scene:
COF (dani is a first class asshole!)

Ok I see that a lot of people don't like CoF, and I can understand why. I still think that they are good musicians, and I will continue to enjoy their music as long as they make it. The fact remains, however, that Dani is an asshole; I doubt anybody will deny that. But that shouldn't matter. I would be listening to their music even if fucking Adolph Hitler was their front man, because I don't care if any of their members are assholes or not. Being an asshole does not stop you from being musically gifted.
I wouldn't really want to be Dani's friend, but if his band releases a CD that I like, I will go out and buy it.

What I don't understand is why would anybody hate Nevermore? They are not as commercial as CoF. None of the band members are really big assholes. I really can't understand that.

As for what bands I hate. I would have to say all Nu Metal, and other pop bullshit. I don't hate ANY of the bands in the actual metal scene. In fact I respect and honor every single one of them for choosing the path less traveled. All of the actual metal bands that you people have named do not deserve to be hated by us. I can understand if someone who listens to pop hates them, but all of us here listen to metal, and we all have something in common with the people in these bands. We are all outcasts in one way or the other. It's not just about music; it's about the subculture that we belong to. Some of us are not into it as much as the others, but that shouldn't matter. So I ask you with all my heart to rethink what you wrote in your responses, and really ask yourselves, "Do I really hate this band?”, "Would my life be any better if this band did not exist?" You are all inteligent people, and I have no doubt that you will give this a little thought. Just remember that we are a part of something greater, but we are still a minority. Therefore we should not hate one another.
Originally posted by Despot
What I don't understand is why would anybody hate Nevermore? They are not as commercial as CoF. None of the band members are really big assholes. I really can't understand that.

You know, it's not always about the attitude and commercialism. Maybe he just really dislikes their music? That's how I feel about Nevermore as well, I think they really do suck - even though they are talented - I couldn't care less about that. To me, they just suck.
It's not just about music; it's about the subculture that we belong to.

Ok i was gonna let you go but i have reconsidered. WRONG it IS just about the music. Music that is different, granted, music that does not follows standarts, granted, music that does not shun forms of aggressivity and rage to express along with other things, granted; But its music nonetheless. I hate subcultures im not a metalhead the day i proclaim myself a metalhead i would kill myself. If you are so insecure of yourself and need to identify with a social group try doing so with a group of people go meet people and talk to them about a number of things to try to find something meaninful in common, do not paint yourself and act like a racist dark ages clown that has given up his genitals to scream like a ratboy. You are an outcast? What do you want pity? the fact that most of us are outcast too does not means we actually care. Do not get me wrong by no means im telling you i do not understand it, but one thing its to have a good time with your outcast friends talking about things in common like metal in this case, another thing is to point your finger making judgements because they do not like every goddamn looser that puts on a comical magical show or that plays plastic music, or that thinks himself higher cause he is on a band that is just patetic. I will be damned if im going to stand by while people like you tell me that i am supposed to change my musical taste and respect some idiot trying to have his " Look at me i just burned a church cause im evi" look just because he is my metalhead brother. I rather die alone that live in such a world
Well I simply can't stand CoF's music.
And I hate the Nu-metal bands that pretend that they are so so so so so so so so so fuckin miserable. I think they should listen to Katatonia's Deadhouse or Gone or maybe My Dying Bride and Anathema to get a clue what it is like to write miserable music that are true and not false just to please some 13 yearold hellions that weep over their parents' divorce... Fuk this is frustrating
For the record, I didn't say that I hate Ozzy. I said I hate the direction his Ozzfest is going. Sharon has to be booking some of the lamest bands and nu-metal shit. I cannot see any reason other than money they are doing it. It's sad that they are exposing and agreeing with the shit that is being made these days. I will agree with terrymx and say that without Ozzy and Black Sabbath none of the heavy music now would be the same.

I also couldn't understand why Slayer made it on this list. I don't like the latest album because it seems a little too blatant. In my mind, Slayer was one of the first death metal bands and a large inspiration to a lot of metal bands now. :confused:
A band that starts out amazing but degradates to a comercial state is worst than one tha starts out comercial. But in this particular case it does seems a little unjustified because there are bands that have sink deeper than slayer. Slayer looks like inflames in this moments to me, i do not like neither of their directions they are aparently heading to but i think they could change them in an instant there is nothing definitive yet.
Since Creed was mentioned, I'm gonna pursue this.

Why does everyone (not just here, but in general) diss Creed so bad? I guess it's because they were sort of embraced by MTV. But their music isn't bad at all. It may be simplistic, and it may be screaming for some double bass, but I love all three of their albums. It's not shit music by a long shot.

As for the Christian thing, Towelie, OK, you know how hardline I am on that subject -- and yet, that doesn't bother me about Creed. It doesn't bother me because the lyrics aren't so in-your-face, obviously Christian. I think of them more as "spiritual" than "religious." Or maybe that's what I just like to think since I love their music. POD, on the other hand, I would like to murder with my own hands. I think if Creed WANTED to be a Christian rock band, they would make it clear; they wouldn't deny it. Instead, I think their religious beliefs are personal and that label has been pushed on them by the media. I believe them when they deny it. I mean, come on -- since when is believing in God a strike AGAINST a person in this country?

But they definitely dress and move around stage like cheesy rockstars. That's a shame.

But I still stand by the music. Great vocals and great melodies. You might say those are simplistic reasons to like them -- but a lot of the bands you people like are much worse musically but no one knocks them because they're relatively underground. Once a band becomes famous, it's not "cool" to like them. :err: