Bands you just don't get


Sep 22, 2006
Are there bands that many of your friends like, people you respect like, everyone seems to be raving about and much as you try to like the band you just don't get it?

Circus Maximus- this is the band that made me think of this topic. So many of my progpower friends think this band is the best thing going. I have both their albums and though I acknowledge they have oodles of talent, and though I have listened many times really wanting to like them, I feel like I should like them and I just can't get into them. Somebody, what the hell is wrong with me???!!

Pain of Salvation- much the same as with CM, just don't get it, and I feel bad about it

Trivium- there is just something juvenille about this band that turns me off

Lamb of God- again, just doesn't click with me

System of a Down- sounds like noise to me

Dillenger Escape Plan- sounds like worse than noise to me
Circus Maximus- this is the band that made me think of this topic. So many of my progpower friends think this band is the best thing going. I have both their albums and though I acknowledge they have oodles of talent, and though I have listened many times really wanting to like them, I feel like I should like them and I just can't get into them. Somebody, what the hell is wrong with me???!!

ditto that for me. the weird thing is, EVERYONE I know likes them, even the people who don't usually like anything. They just don't do it for me.

Pagan's Mind falls into this category for me, too... they're another band that everyone loves except me.
Waiting for J-Dub to spew all over POS again... :D

I'll second Circus Maximus, not that they are a bad band, but I don't see what's so special about them, this after seeing them at ProgPower and listening to their first album.

Freak Kitchen - It was an entertaining show, but I can't really say I care for their music. It just doesn't do it for me.

Fates Warning - I've tried multiple times to get into Fates, buying two CDs and seeing them live probably three times. It does nothing for me. I like Ray a lot more with Redemption than with Fates.


I bought their CD after LOVING the demo Glenn posted for PP that year...

then played the whole CD and couldn't figure out just why the heck I could NOT get into it as much..... then it hit me. The demo track is the ONLY song where the lead singer sings like that. Every other song on the Cd when there is singing, its like the band is trying their best to channel JOURNEY....... and it leaves me flat....

People just gush all over these guys and I don't get it
This thread cracks me up! Yippee and I talk about this ALL THE TIME! Specifically Circus Maximus. We both like them, and they're totally cool guys, but they are a pretty middle of the road band for us. So many people are just over the moon about these guys being the best thing since sliced bread and that, we don't quite get.

Stratovarius is another one for me, just don't get into them.
And that guy from last year - the ARK guy - can't remember his name - the David Coverdale guy -
Not sure if I should be restricting my answers to metal bands only but the following I just don't get....

Dave Matthews Band
They have never done anything for me at all.

Every song sounds just the same to me.

Wuthering Heights
I wish I could get into this band because there is talent!

Lana Lane
Not sure what the disconnect is there really. There just is one.

Cannibal Corpse
They're actually kind of fun live (mostly because of their energy and the crowd) but there is no way on Earth I can sit through one of their CDs. Lots of folks really dig them but I just don't get it. Must be my hammer smashed face...

I'm sure there are others but I can't think of anything else at this point. If I do, I'll post them. My brain's feeling the effects of a very long week!
And that guy from last year - the ARK guy - can't remember his name - the David Coverdale guy -

Jorn Lande.

That actually reminds me. Ark was another band that I just couldn't get into, even tho I love Tore's playing. The music just didn't do it for me.

Course, since then, I've loved everything Lande has done since.

Pain of Salvation - It seems like being a fan of this band is the greatest thing in the world, but no matter how hard I try I can't get into this band.

Helloween (post-Chameleon) - People often say that various Deris-era Helloween albums are awesome, and their best works, etc, but I have tried to make it through one of their albums on several occasions and have failed every time.

After Forever - This band has so many good things going on, but for some reason when they all get put together, it gives me a headache. Maybe it's the fact that the vocal melodies sound like they come from a different song than the rest of the music.

Nightwish (post-Century Child) - One of my favorite bands up to this point, when Once came out I for the life of me could not understand how anyone even remotely liked it.

Angra (post-Fireworks) - This is another one that really perplexes me. As far as I'm concerned, this band fell off a cliff after the lineup change.

Metallica - The only 'classic' metal band whose stuff I cannot get into at all.
Dave Matthews Band-Boring

Motorhead-just don't like the singing at all

Helloween post Kiske-the albums are decent but I just don't like them as much

Nocturnal Rites after first singer-once again the albums are fine but not the same.

Def Leppard Hysteria album-I will never understand the popularity of this album. The group was never the same. Adios hard rock hello pop.
Mindflow would be one; everyone seems to rave about these guys but I just can't get into it. A few others I've never been able to get into would be Vanden Plas, Zero Hour and Pyramaze.

I can't get into most death metal, goregrind or black metal either. :lol:
Nevermore is my answer. I have two of this band's discs and I just can't really get into them. I have Dead Heart and Enemies of Reality (new version) and I think they're okay, but at the same time I find myself getting very bored while listening to them.
