Bands you just don't get

Dragonforce-They have talent, but I find myself nodding off during their songs.
Devin Townsend-Industrial noise with occasional good songs. Maybe his hiatus will do him good.
Dimmu Borgir-That new album is soooooo boring.
Blind Guardian (I know, treasonous!)
System Of A Down/Slipknot/Limp Bizkit/Linkin Park, etc
Dave Matthews Band
The Beatles. I sorta understand why people of that time would love them, but so many of my good friends in my highschool and college days were obsessed with them :erk: Same with Dave Matthews Band. As for my hard rock friends, their obsession with Tool has forever vexxed me :rolleyes: ...
There are a bunch of them!
But the one that I REALLY don't get is Eternity X... I've seen people saying that The Edge is the best CD ever and stuff.. And to me the album is horrible.. I can't get past the first few tracks! I tried a bunch of times and I just can't do it..
Anything involving Neal Morse
Devin Townsend
Pain of Salvation
Gamma Ray (the slower songs I can handle, but that's only about 5% of their catalog).
Enchant, Spock's Beard, Porcupine Tree, Poverty's No Crime, and that entire genre
Spiral Architect, Watchtower
Pyramaze was the first band that came to mind upon reading this post.

Why they felt the need to process the shit out of Lance's voice is beyond me. Other than that, I have both albums and feel that they are good metal albums...but I must be missing something cuz I seem to be alone in my opinion that they are not "the ultimate metal band."

Not a slam toward these guys...I'm just wondering what I'm missing...

Rock on!
Since this is topical on the forum right now...I must say...

COMPLETE! I feel that I SHOULD love them...but...(sigh)...

Rock on!
Cool .. I see I'm not alone on Redemption. They just aren't my thing. The talent is there no doubt, but I'm yet to really get excited about any of their discs.


Pain Of Salvation - I've tried, and now have basically given up.

Nightwish (recent stuff) - Probably the most overrated band on this board. They peaked several albums ago.

Fates Warning - a like a handful of their songs, but in general I find them quite boring.

Motorhead - One of the worst bands of all time in my opinion.

Helloween - I missed the boat when it was relevant, and now it just seems pointless since dozens of bands have done what they have done ... better.

I'm sure there are many more, but these bands came to mind rather quickly.

Vanden Plas........As much as I want to like them, I have a hard time getting into them.

Enchant is another.................

Any band with 100% growl, scream , cookie monster vox.

I am supprised at the number of Redemption and Fates Warning nocks here. These are two bands that reside in my top 4.
Freak Kitchen
80% of Progressive Metal bands: Dream Theater, Conception, Vanden Plas, Redemption... long list.
Freak Kitchen
Arch Enemy
Technical Metal- It's a disjointed cacophony of noise to my ears.
Devin Townsend
Freak Kitchen
I agree with the following bands already posted:

Vanden Plas
Devon Townsend
U2 - possibly the worst on the list.
Rolling Stones
System of a Down
Blind Guardian
Neil Morse - writes great elevator music.
Pyramaze - gets pimped pretty hard here, never understood why.
Wuthering Heights - nothing more than a failed comedy routine, imo.

Will add the following:

Tom Petty - I blame the baby boomers for this guy still selling records.
Hendrix - when I was 12, he was God. Now he's just boring.
Wow, I'm honestly surprised by 90% of the answers in this thread!!! :zombie:

Dave Mathews Band
Pop idols like Britney Spears, Shakira, etc.. I can't even see the talent.
Spock's Beard
Porcupine Tree
Liquid Tension Experiment
Savage Circus
Face Time Police :lol: