Bands you just don't get

Matt Barlow - gets hyped (especially here) for what reason l don't know...people l know that hear him say he sounds like he has a mouthful of something...l agree, he probably makes a better cop than a singer

A mouthful of genius maybe.. :notworthy Barlow:notworthy
I can't get into Freak Kitchen, Porcupine Tree.

The real kicker is I can't get into any Symphony X after Twilight in Olympus. I love Twilight in Olympus and prior though.

The new Nightwish is okay, but I definately liked Tarja Nightwish better. I'm curius to hear what her next album will be like with all the guest musicians.

I guess you can't please everybody, if we had to agree with the majority we'd all be force fed Fergiliciousness , fuck that.
I dunno.. I just can't get into Zero Hour.

I saw them last year at PP USA. Very talented guys. No denying that. Its that I just couldn't get into their music. I'm more of a power fan than prog, but some prog I get, some I like quite a bit, but this ZH just confuses me more than anything.

Again, nothing against them, as they're talented folks, but this is a band I just don't get.
Saying you don't get a band is one thing and understandable. Stating specific reasons why you don't "get" them is acceptable.

However, insulting bands in a juvenile manner that is not intended as a joke just shows a pure lack of class.
Are there bands that many of your friends like, people you respect like, everyone seems to be raving about and much as you try to like the band you just don't get it?

This is fairly easy for me...two things. Not two bands, but two styles:

1) Bands that use a lot of death-metal vocals. I just don't see the appeal of listening to some guy grunt like he's trying to squeeze out a turd or cough up a hairball. There have been several CDs or bands that I'd otherwise love, but just can't get past the death-metal vocals. Into Eternity comes to mind. AWESOME music. REALLY talented musicians. And the worse part to me is....the singer HAS a great voice!! Awesome range, great tone, but he all-too-often stops singing and starts growling. If it wasn't often, I could live with it, but it crosses my tolerance threshold. Opeth is another one. I own Damnation, and that's it. I've heard parts of other CDs, and the music is truly brilliant, but the vocals kill it for me. C'est la vie.

2) Most power-metal bands. Most of the songs sound entirely too much alike, and most of the bands sound entirely too much alike. I just don't see the appeal of a band if every song follows pretty much the same formula: Endless power chords in 4/4, break at totally predictable point for totally predictable solo, followed by somewhat catchy but oddly-familiar chorus, with endless double-bass drumming throughout. I just don't get it. I've actually listened to power metal bands at ProgPower, and honestly thought "didn't they already play this song?" Really.

How anyone can listen to Dragonforce and not realize that the Alvin and the Chipmunks sound is because they sped the recording up is beyond me.

It's amazing that they are able to accomplish speeding up their playing live then. Besides, it is quite easy to speed up music without distorting the pitch to that level.
Dragonforce - thats a big off and on for me. sometimes Im just like Alright! then others Im that just doesn't do anything for me.
Deadly Sin ------\
Obsession -------|--- I just can't get into these three bands. I don't know why.
Virgin Steele-----/
Adagio - Pre-Gus Monsanto (I love Adagio now, Dominate was awesome)
Spiral Architect - just way too much "weird" for my power metal lovin ears.

oh and that A Lower Deep band is just something else entirely...I just don't get them. haha j/k Billy A Lower Deep = :rock:

Im sure I'll think of some more later

and out of the metal genre there are way too many to name but one does come to mind...

Culture Club - wtf?
oh and that A Lower Deep band is just something else entirely...I just don't get them. haha j/k Billy A Lower Deep = :rock:

Culture Club - wtf?

Patrick there is a good reason why you don't get A Lower Deep! Everyone else has either gotten us already or they will eventually. We like a disease that gets into your pores and blood stream and works up into your brain. And though we are an airborn contagin, most people contract us through heterosexual sex. So obviously there is little chance of you ever getting us.
Pain of Salvation - agree with some negative opinions, suffice to say (like many in this thread), I just don't get the appeal.

Cannibal Corpse - I love death metal. I really do. But what makes this band special at all?

Deicide - see above, only add in the fact that I'd like to see more diversity in lyrics rather than the same, antireligious blather.

American metalcore - pointless. I hate the fans more than the music (as I'd rather listen to heavy music moreso than any other genre)

Manowar - For all intents and purposes, I should love this band. Their imagery is full of stuff I like, their lyrics are insanely epic, but I find something to be missing, something that's not there that should be to make the music good. I don't really know what it is, suffice to say they've never fully clicked with me (thus I only own 2 albums and rarely listen to them any more).

Outside of metal, bands I just can't get into for many ineffable reasons:

Rolling Stones
Nine Inch Nails
punk music in general
Patrick there is a good reason why you don't get A Lower Deep! Everyone else has either gotten us already or they will eventually. We like a disease that gets into your pores and blood stream and works up into your brain. And though we are an airborn contagin, most people contract us through heterosexual sex. So obviously there is little chance of you ever getting us.


ow. I said I was kiddin...

Manowar - For all intents and purposes, I should love this band. Their imagery is full of stuff I like, their lyrics are insanely epic, but I find something to be missing, something that's not there that should be to make the music good. I don't really know what it is, suffice to say they've never fully clicked with me (thus I only own 2 albums and rarely listen to them any more).

thats another band I forgot about, I saw them live and I hated it. I just can't get into any of their stuff.
Tool - why are they so huge?
Pagans Mind - can't get into the vocalist
Labyrinth - they've never written a hook
Dragonforce - you know, they could change tempos occasionally.
Communic - OK....dudes, Nevermore have been doing that for a long time. I let a friend of mine hear the first song on Waves and we cracked up at how exactly, exactly like Warrel Dane he sounded. Even the interval on the harmony was exactly like WD. you can get away with that doing power metal because the vox sound very similar in that style, but if you're going to ape someone, it shouldn't be someone with that unique a voice. They're never going to get out from under that.
This is fairly easy for me...two things. Not two bands, but two styles:

2) Most power-metal bands. Most of the songs sound entirely too much alike, and most of the bands sound entirely too much alike. I just don't see the appeal of a band if every song follows pretty much the same formula: Endless power chords in 4/4, break at totally predictable point for totally predictable solo, followed by somewhat catchy but oddly-familiar chorus, with endless double-bass drumming throughout. I just don't get it. I've actually listened to power metal bands at ProgPower, and honestly thought "didn't they already play this song?" Really.


Manowar - For all intents and purposes, I should love this band. Their imagery is full of stuff I like, their lyrics are insanely epic, but I find something to be missing, something that's not there that should be to make the music good. I don't really know what it is, suffice to say they've never fully clicked with me (thus I only own 2 albums and rarely listen to them any more).

Possibly because they're more concerned with image than the music? Or more concerned with being in the Guinness Book of World Records, than music? Or maybe it's just Joey DiMaio's ego that does it.