bands you just HATE!

Originally posted by Lady Of The Snow
Led Zeppelin= Plant's voice
Nightwish= without Tarja, I'd like them
AC/DC= too boring.. all that repetitive stuff ( I got one album - on vinyl - and only because of the ONLY one track by AC/DC that I like : Let me Put My Love Into You)

Vocals make or break it for me...

And: I do NOT hate them, I just can't stand them. ;)

By the way, I forgot The Scorpions... :)

AC/DC ... boring ?? Wow, never heard that comment before, AC/DC is everything but not boring !

Led Zeppelin ? Scorpions (great vocals !!) ? Have you ever heard the older Scorpions stuff like Lovedrive, Blackout ? These bands are (among a few others of course) the roots of heavy metal.
Originally posted by ~UlvedaL~
I like Cradle too... You must be corrupt by some false "true-idea", if you think otherwise... They were kind of pioneers in that specific style of symphonic blackmetal, and Midian is a masterpiece!!!

I agree here! Midian is great indeed. Many people don't like Cradle Of Filth, and I don't know why.... Maybe because they're not true enough? Call them pop if you want, I think their music is great, don't care what others think or say.
Yeah, Midian is quite good, but personally I think Dusk and Her Embrace was their last really good album (their best actually).

I kinda like that Bitter Suites To Succubi disc too by the way, there's some excellent songs on it. I heard some negative things about it, but I like it.
1. PAPA ROACH - I can't BELIEVE only one person has mentioned this band. Their vocalist is the kind of person who's just enough of a prick that you can't feel sorry for them getting picked on. Their lyrics are the most blatantly infantile in the entire NuM genre. The close-to-tears expression on Dick's face in that video, when he intones the line "press your clothes, comb your hair, fit in...NOOOOOOO!!!" is funny, but he obviously doesn't know it... as for the music, it's low-grade knob-rock of the worst kind, and it's telling that their best riff is the one that sounds like Iron Maiden.

2. FALLEN TO - Lame!!! Lame!!! Lame!!! Lame!!! Lame!!!

3. DESECRATION - Good death metal is terrifying, brutal, powerful. Bad death metal sounds like Desecration - crap riffs behind vocals which often sound like the demon on Smashie and Nicey's "Let's Rock!" compilation. Apparently they're some sort of legends - best Welsh Metal band ever? Oh dear.

4. JOHN LENNON - Here's a man who becomes legendary by growing long hair and staying in bed with his missus. Everyone seems to think of him as the greatest person anywhere, ever - in fact, he was an overrated Scouse hippie, and was simply fortunate enough to get into the Dead Rock Stars club.

5. THE RAMONES - Yet another overrated band. People seem to confuse "influential" with "great". The Ramones were not punk, they were bad pop-rock played fast.

6. ASH - They think they rock. But only Tim Wheeler could sing the phrase "Burn Baby Burn!" and make it sound...nice. Their female bass player seems to have the most balls in the band.

7. STARSAILOR - Load of bollocks, quite simply.

8. 90% OF THE RAP/HIP-HOP SCENE - Rap/H-H is at its glam stage right now - only they call it Bling Bling. For a genre that relies on lyrics as its most important feature, there's some pretty tired shit being peddled, and a lot of it features a variant on the phrase "me rhymes be so original".

9. WILL/GARETH/DARIUS/HEAR'SAY - Don't bother with anything interesting, lads - you're already famous, the public will buy any old crap you put out for a couple of years at least. I left Liberty X off this list because I think it's funny that they're now bigger and more important than Hear'Say.

10. TOOL - They're not big and they're not clever. They are a 15-year old's idea of mystickal, esoteric rock. To wit: boring crap.

11. THE SMASHING PUMPKINS - Thank God that's over with. Apparently if you suck in an intelligent way then it's laudable.

I could go on, but I don't want to hog the forum...
Oh yes..Have a few myself..
I hate Creed cause he has a REALLY bad voice..I cannot stand the guy either (vocalist).
System of a down!
Linkin Park!
Ill Nino!!!

And all those REALLY SUCKING BAD "teenage-rock" wannabe bands out there!!!! Can`t stand it!!!

:mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :
Originally posted by ginkgothian
Old shool metal,
satanistic Black metal

PS: AC/DC IS boring ;)

Just out of interest can I ask why you don't like Satanic or NS Black Metal? The music really isn't any different to other areas of black metal. If it's their beliefs that make you dislike them then that sucks.
I hate manufactured pop shite!!!!!!!!
christ, how long have we got? I could go on for some time.

Metal i hate:
Linkin Park, Slipknot, Papa Roach, Limp Wizdik, Korn, Puddle of Shite, new metallica, new Cradle of Filth etc etc etc!
Originally posted by Cold Gin
AC/DC ... boring ?? Wow, never heard that comment before, AC/DC is everything but not boring !

Led Zeppelin ? Scorpions (great vocals !!) ? Have you ever heard the older Scorpions stuff like Lovedrive, Blackout ? These bands are (among a few others of course) the roots of heavy metal.

Yes, I have heard the older Scorpions! I still have the old Scorpions vinyl ... First Metal and Rock I heard and liked was 1972.
Great vocals? With that crappy German accent (still)??
You can lock me up in a room with Scorpions music on permanent replay... I will still refuse to like them. Period. Never, for a million bucks.

@ ginkgothian: "AC/DC IS boring ;) "
Thank you :)
Originally posted by Abigor
Just out of interest can I ask why you don't like Satanic or NS Black Metal? The music really isn't any different to other areas of black metal. If it's their beliefs that make you dislike them then that sucks.
Why the fuck does that suck??! There's something like "principles", ring a bell??! I don't care how brilliant the music is (in the far majority it isn't), but that NS crap gives a nasty taste in the mouth, so I don't listen to it.

You got me going here, I fucking HATE NS bands and everything connected to NS with a passion :mad:
1)Puddle Of Mudd-What is so special about these pukes anyway...One of the WORST bands I have ever had the displeasure of hearing..I'd rather listen to nails scraping across a chalkboard!
2)Crazytown-How did it feel getting booed off of last years Ozzfest stage night after night you homos?!?! THE WORST band Ozzy has subjected us to at an Ozzfest and that is pretty bad!
3)Limp Bizkit-Used to be number one on this list but the EMPTV jackasses are starting to move on to newer drivel so they're not shoved down our throats as much anymore...But I don't hate them any less!
4)Adema-This years Crazytown at Ozzfest. I had fantasies of jumping on stage and giving their whiny lead singer a few good kicks in the head....I did give him the middle finger for about five minutes straight though instead because that would have been too much effort! Hopefully Zakk Wylde will kick his ass before Ozzfest finishes......
5)The Grateful Dead-I just don't get it....Maybe I needed to do more acid to appreciate these guys but even when I DID acid,I was STILL asking whoever was in charge of the CD player to "Please put ANYTHING else in!"
Cradle of Filth-I have realllllly tried to like them....I just can't for some reason.

Red Hot Chili Peppers-Anthony Pitchless needs some MAJOR help. He ALWAYS sings out of key and WAYY flat.

Nu-metal-need I say more?

pop "boy band" and "blonde chick" crap-Lock and load while playing Emperor..that should be fun!

And my most hated-
Nelly Furtado or however you spell her name-who the F%$^ told that talentless idiot she could sing? Your nose if for breathing and smelling, not singing through.
Slayer: they are really overrated, but the reason i hate them most its because that old school vocals....

POD, Korn, Limp Bizkit etc., all rap, all pop.
Originally posted by Lady Of The Snow
Yes, I have heard the older Scorpions! I still have the old Scorpions vinyl ... First Metal and Rock I heard and liked was 1972.
Great vocals? With that crappy German accent (still)??
You can lock me up in a room with Scorpions music on permanent replay... I will still refuse to like them. Period. Never, for a million bucks.

@ ginkgothian: "AC/DC IS boring ;) "
Thank you :)

I also hate Britney Spears, but for a million bucks you could look me up in room with her ...
Originally posted by TheEmperor
I agree here! Midian is great indeed. Many people don't like Cradle Of Filth, and I don't know why.... Maybe because they're not true enough? Call them pop if you want, I think their music is great, don't care what others think or say.
I have "Dusk..." and it's a terrible record if you ask me. I couldn't care less if they're "false". If the music was great I would buy their records, but I think their music is terrible! The only good song they've made is "She mourns a lengthening shadow", which is a great song though! A band like Grimoire seems kind of corny and "false", but there are a couple of good songs on their "Requiem for the light" record.
4. JOHN LENNON - Here's a man who becomes legendary by growing long hair and staying in bed with his missus. Everyone seems to think of him as the greatest person anywhere, ever - in fact, he was an overrated Scouse hippie, and was simply fortunate enough to get into the Dead Rock Stars club.
You're entitled to your opinion like everyone else, but I think you're quite wrong there. Whether you like his music or not is not important here. Personally I don't like his solo work, but I think Beatles has done some great stuff, but that's not important here either. What's important is his work. His companionship with Paul McCartney in the Beatles has produced some of the best songs ever written (not my opinon!). In the 60's The Beatles was the best selling band and they're to this date the best selling band of all time. Not that that neccesarilly means it's good, but Beatles still has loads and loads of fans 30 years after they broke up! People are still fanatic (even more fanatic than they were in the 60's) about their stuff. I've seen their record "Please please me" with the black label and gold lettering go for £6.600!!!! Noone would pay that amount for anything crappy! It's of course a matter of taste, but I think it's fair to say that Beatles are the single band/artist who produced the music with the most quality EVER! If a band comes out now and sells twice as many records as The Beatles, the Beatles will still be the greatest! The new band will be forgotten in 20 years like most of all the other stuff from the 90's and 2000's. You can go out on the street today and ask more or less any person to sing a Beatles song. In 20 years you can't do that with Britney Spears!
Originally posted by Abigor
Just out of interest can I ask why you don't like Satanic or NS Black Metal? The music really isn't any different to other areas of black metal. If it's their beliefs that make you dislike them then that sucks.

Why the fuck does that suck??! There's something like "principles", ring a bell??! I don't care how brilliant the music is (in the far majority it isn't), but that NS crap gives a nasty taste in the mouth, so I don't listen to it.

You got me going here, I fucking HATE NS bands and everything connected to NS with a passion
To me it's not important which beliefs the band has as long as I like the music. If Britney Spears made a good song I wouldn't say "Goddamn, that sucks" just to "keep my principles alive". I can't deny what I feel and I think it's odd that someone claims they can. If I played a song for you and you said "Goddamn, that was a SUPERB song!!!" and I told you the group was a bunch of satanic nazi punks would you start to dislike the song? I can't understand how that is possible. I can understand that you don't want to support nazi shit and such, no doubt about that, but I can't see how you can deny what you feel because of what the bands beliefs are. When you hear a song for the first time it's the music that catches you, not how the members think (as you probably doesn't know this at the time). As I said, you don't control your own feelings, whether it's "Oh I love you Carol" or it's "Goddamn that's a superb/crappy song!" or whatever it is.
Enough of that. Things I dislike/hate:
Drum n' bass: I'm one of those people that listen to more or less listens to ANY kind of music (if the genre existed before 1980 I'm pretty sure you can find it in my collection), but I think it's fair for me to say that I hate drum n' bass. A friend of mine is a major fan of drum n' bass and every time I visit him I listen to that crap. The only song I ever liked in that genre was Dom & Roland's "Can't punish me" and I bought the 12", but it got tiresome after 5-10 listens. I've never heard anything else in that genre that reaches my mediocre grade. Some is of course better (or less worse) than other, but there's so many songs in that genre that is completely awful!! A "hate band" in that genre is probably Bad Company (not the rock band, but a drum n' bass band with the same name). They're hardcore drum n' bass and I can't stand 2 seconds of their music! T-E-R-R-I-B-L-E!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't hate pop as such. I think they're lots of good pop songs, but all of the pop songs I like are from the 60's. There are a few pop songs from the 70's, 80's and 90's that I like, but that's like a handfull for each decade. I dislike the 90's popmusic as such though. Stuff like boy bands, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and so on. The best Britney song I've heard is "I'm a slave 4 you", but that doesn't get higher than between crappy and terrible. All of the other stuff I've heard from her is terrible.
I don't know if there's other stuff that I downright hate. A record like Miles Davis' "Bitches brew" is terrible if you ask me, although I have 4 of his other records. Jacques Coursil's "Black suite" is terrible as well!
I don't listen to music released after 1981 (except for metal, Hedningarna, Dead Can Dance and a few songs here and there), so it's hard for me to find anything that I hate. My radio is tuned in on "ANR Guld FM", which plays old stuff, so I don't really know that much new music.