bands you just HATE!


Worse bassplayer ever
is there any band you simply hate.. because they betrayed you, cuz they became commercial, cuz they just suck(like boys band :D ) or any other stuff you just hate?

i personnaly fucking HATE Eminem :D. i just drive me insane. I dotn like rap, but all these black playing music have a reason to die for.. Eminem just dont fit
i absolutley hate slipknot but that's just me :D

reason: because where i live there are tons of people that listen to slipknot because they are the ''heaviest'' band i'm like this all the time :rolleyes:
I thought you said "Bands" not artists. And I don't think musicans betray you, they just want to make money for what they do. Ignorance is your ideal trait, eh?!

And to answer the question, I hate Gayer, Megabore, Metalicrap, Korn, Cradle of Fags, Dummy Burger, and worst of all Nir(nothing)vana
My list is huge, but i'll name a select few
4.Limp Bizshit
5.Linkin Park
6.All of the other nu metal shit ever done!
7.Metallica, Black album on.
uh....virtually every pop-punk band there ever was.....i hate limp bizkit the most; they are funny, and i hate most all of the nu-metal bands:p
everything Cradle of Filth released since nicholas left
Limp Bizkit
Sum 41
Theatre des Vampires
Graveland & Nokturnal Mortum (nazicrap...)
Blink 182
Puddle of Mudd
Eminem&all those damn gangsta rappers...

ahhhhhh, i could enumerate thousand more bands, there are so many which suck....
Too many bands to list. I'll make it simple and just list things I am sick of in heavy music...

1. 45-minute blast beats with cookie monster impressions being called innovative metal

2. Any rap vocal at all in a song and calling the band metal. Sorry, but rap is not new metal! Never was and never will be.

3. Re-hashing Helloween

4. Bands with perfectly clean vocals claiming Iron Maiden as a major influence. All three vocalists for Maiden had a nice rasp to punctuate a verse. Go back and study some more.

5. The back and forth 'extreme vocal' (cookie monster impression) and super clean vocal trend. Can't we just have a nice fierce but understandable vocal all the way through?
Originally posted by Heavy M
Bands that I hate:

Iron Maiden (yes you heard me!!)
Limp Bizkit
Linkin Park

I'm with ya, dude!!

Here's my list of bands a lot of people love and I pretty much hate.

-Maiden, for the most part. I was a HUGE Maiden basher up until recently. Some of it I now will concede is straight up classic shit. But, there is still plenty that drives me fucking nuts and there's no other word for it other than "hate". Mainly, Bruce's vibrato drives me nuts-especially when it's double tracked, and the vibratos conflict w/each other. Yucky. Fuck Martin Birch too. His productions sound like shit. Imagine them with the Brave New World production on the older shit. Who knows, I might like some more of it then.

-Zeppelin. I like 3-4 songs, that's IT. Plant ruins it for me every time. I dont care about how much you wanna fuck that broad, or youre grunting and whining and wailing and....PLEASE STOP!!

-Dave Matthews Band. Huh? Yeah, I dont get it. Youre cool, why? And how does he justify his ticket cost? What is all that money going to? It sure aint going towards an entertaining, theatrical rock spectacle.

-Grateful Dead. "Does not compute! Does not compute!"

-Creed. Dear god. Play your instruments, and get a new singer. That Tremonti guitar player guy pisses me off when he's all gushing about thrash and death metal in the guitar mags and saying how he's from Tampa so he's into DM and all that...quit talking the talk and start walking the walk aready.

-Tool. Overrated. Kinda like the Dead for me. I listen to the music, and it doesnt make sense in my head. It's like a kid not understanding how to do math.

-Speaking of Math Metal, Meshugga.

-Most Nu Metal. I can handle Korn, cuz they more or less started the whole thing, and it's not their fault everyone copied them. But Biz Limpkit, (cum) Staind, Dead, I mean Drowning Pool, Puddle Of Poopp, Nickelcrap, et. al really chap my hide.

-Skinless. Yuck! Brutaldeathgrindwithnoknownpurpose is not appealing to me.

-The newest trend of Bands that start with a "The" and end with a "es". Like: The Hives, The Strokes, The White Stripes, etc. Their music sucks. It's simply repackaged pop music.

-Goo Goo Dolls. On Metal Blade? wtf?

-That goddamn band that had that hit "Might As Well Be Walking On The Sun" that is now on the Chevy commericals. I sentence them to death by stoning.

-Kid Rock. If I want country, swamp rock, I'll listen to CCR. If I want rap metal, I'll listen to Stuck Mojo. If I want them both, I....wait, I dont want them both. Although, I will give him props cuz he's pulling a page out of Zakk Wylde's playbook and always has a beer with him wherever he goes. That's how youre supposed to be when youre a rock star. At least in my book.

-Dream Theater. And the band I'm in is heavily influenced by them!! Cant stand them other than 3 songs, and those (not so coincidentally) are the more straighforward numbers that dont have that "Hey, I'm a virtuoso. Watch me play this!". And dont even get me started on James LaBrie.

-While we're at it, Rush. Tom Sawyer is cool, everything else is arse. Grow some nuts, Geddy.

-Any band that hits the bandwagon just a little too late.

That's just the tip of the iceberg for this opinionated-as-fuck Metalhead!!