
My uncle brews his own beer, and it is awesome stuff. Has a very fruity taste, I believe he does something with apples. I'll ask him.
You can get some Australian brews at Outback, which is pretty much the only Australian thing about the place (that and it says "blokes" and "sheilas" on the bathroom doors instead of "men" and "women", but that's as far as it goes). I don't go there too often, but the last time I was there I for some Tooheys New, which is pretty light and, I'd imagine, very far from the best Australia has to offer. I liked it, but generally I would prefer something heavier.

They have Coopers Ale and James Boags. There was at least one other type of ale, at least. I suppose I'll try one of those the next time I'm there. (Which hopefully will be fairly soon because that place fucking rocks, as I've mentioned numerous times.)

Not that you care, but I fucking hate Outback.

My uncle brews his own beer, and it is awesome stuff. Has a very fruity taste, I believe he does something with apples. I'll ask him.

Should get him to bottle it if it's really that good.

nd: Trying some Sam Adams Brown Ale. It's ok, lacks much taste or complexity to it. Just tastes like your run of the mill ale.
I think most people who enjoy good beer rate it above average. Most of their output is really good imo, some of it is sub-par. Overrall, a pretty respectable large beer company. You could almost relate it to metal if you want, it's a good starting place for getting into good beer.
I've been drinking shitty cheap american beer for around 5 years never getting sick of it. I think beer should taste like shit.
Sam Adams Boston Lager is ass. Some of the seasonal beers are pretty good though.

wtf? Their Boston Lager is pretty damn good.

What specific beers are good?

My personal favorites are Winter Lager, Boston Lager, Octoberfest (used to be better than what I had last fall), Black Lager. I still have a few more to taste though. You can't really go wrong with any of them to be honest.
Be sure to read the labels and/or check their website for descriptions on the beers if you aren't familiar with the style. Mainly so you know what to expect and see if you can actually pick out the different tastes. I find it pretty fun to break down what I'm tasting and see how close I was to what they described it as.
Another favorite of mine is Barly Wine style ale. Stone Old Guardian is killer! Woo, I just checked the Stone site and the 2008 Old Guardian was just released the 21st.

It's typically less hoppy and bitter than IPAs, and has a thicker viscosity. It's somewhat sweeter, I assume due to more malts. The balance of the heavy malt flavor with a strong hop flavor is just killer!

I can't decide which is my favorite type of beer between BW and IPA.
What specific beers are good?

Here's another vote for the Boston Lager. That's a pretty logical place to start, I should think. And try any of their seasonal brews whenever you get a chance. Of course it's useless to tell you know, but I think the Octoberfest is awesome. Winter Lager, as well, is good. Other than that, I've only had the Summer Ale, and I remember it being alright.
Went up to the Plaza Liquors store when I realized Old Guardian was just recently released. Got 2 bombers of that, one bomber of Moylan's Hopsickle Imperial Ale, and a mixed six-pack with two eack of Oaked Arrogant Bastard, Flying Dog - Horn Dog Barly wine, and Sierra Nevada - Bigfoot Barly Wine. It cost about $30. Yeah, that place is a little pricey, but they have the absolute best selection in town, and I probably only go there a few times a year.

I am drinking the Hopsickle. Very hoppy aroma, nice thick feel in the mouth, bitter hoppy finish. It tastes triple hoppy, as it brags, and that's a good thing.

I read reviews of beers with all the flavors listed, but I usually don't experience all of those subtleties. But I do likes me a nice hoppy beer!
tonight was laughing lab scottish ale from bristol brewery. we actually started at the brewery (its local) and i kept drinking it at every bar we went to. very malty. i think its the best beer ive had from bristol. maybe i'll try the oatmeal stout next. though i havnt liked stouts in the past
if any of you are in CO, try some of these. theyre really good. i reccomend the beehive (honey wheat) or laughing lab.


I'll try the ones you mentioned, but I have to say, Coopers Pale Ale is the most overrated drink in Aus. No idea why everyone fellates that shit. :lol:

Coopers Pale is a nice well brewed beer with no dodgy aftertaste, and it's not too heavy. I used to drink nothing but Coopers Sparkling but I got sick of the overpowering taste. The beers I recommended are nothing like Coopers btw.

You can get some Australian brews at Outback, which is pretty much the only Australian thing about the place (that and it says "blokes" and "sheilas" on the bathroom doors instead of "men" and "women", but that's as far as it goes). I don't go there too often, but the last time I was there I for some Tooheys New, which is pretty light and, I'd imagine, very far from the best Australia has to offer. I liked it, but generally I would prefer something heavier.

They have Coopers Ale and James Boags. There was at least one other type of ale, at least. I suppose I'll try one of those the next time I'm there. (Which hopefully will be fairly soon because that place fucking rocks, as I've mentioned numerous times.)

Outback sounds great :lol: Do they greet you with bad fake Aussie acccents as well? That'd take the cake. And I'd love to see the decor. Next time I'm in America I'm going there for sure.

Yeah Tooheys New is a pretty average beer over here. James Boags is a better beer, and Coopers is slightly better than Boags.