

(Pliny The Elder
Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout
Stone Belgo Anise Imperial Russian Stout
Sam Adams Imperial Stout
Barney Flats Oatmeal Stout
Sam Adams Imperial White)

Its going to be a good couple days.

I want to try Pliny so badly but they don't distribute to NJ. Stone Belgo Anise Imperial Russian Stout is :yuk: I purchased it by mistake about a month ago. I had some good stuff on tap last week when I saw 40 Watt Sun:

Sam Adams Noble Pils
Left Hand Milk Stout
Delirium Tremens
Southern Tier Pumking (i had 2 of these. best pumpkin ale :kickass: )

I also bought some beer today for the first time in awhile. Nothing I haven't had before but all good shit imo.

Dale's Pale Ale (12 pack)
Stone Imperial Russian Stout
Southern Tier Pumking
Avery The Reverend
I did pretty well. Had the following:

Bell's - The Oracle
The Bruery - Autumn Maple
Founders - Breakfast Stout

The Oracle seemed to me to be very close to Hopslam, but maybe with a bit sharper bite. Overall, I did not feel it stood out from the many IIPAs on the market today. The Bruery beer was made with yams instead of pumpkins. It was an interesting novelty, and worth drinking, but way overdone at 10%, and probably not a repeat for me. Lastly, the FBS was much better than the previous times I had it. Drank way smoother at 8% than the beers I had prior to it. I still think the coffee in this beer is really muted compared to the superior coffee beers out there, and the name of the beer is thus silly, but I enjoyed it tonight.
You should down those all in one day queer.

Im not that big of a macho man, yet.

I want to try Pliny so badly but they don't distribute to NJ. Stone Belgo Anise Imperial Russian Stout is :yuk: I purchased it by mistake about a month ago. I had some good stuff on tap last week when I saw 40 Watt Sun:

Sam Adams Noble Pils
Left Hand Milk Stout
Delirium Tremens
Southern Tier Pumking (i had 2 of these. best pumpkin ale :kickass: )

I also bought some beer today for the first time in awhile. Nothing I haven't had before but all good shit imo.

Dale's Pale Ale (12 pack)
Stone Imperial Russian Stout
Southern Tier Pumking
Avery The Reverend

Pliny was pretty good. Im very sensitive to anything hoppy, so I wasnt too stoked on it. If you really want one that bad, I'll mail you one lol

The Stone Russian Imperial was like drinking motor oil. A bomber at 10.5% does the job right, but I agree, it wasnt very tasty. Alittle too rich and thick for my taste.

Delerium Tremmens is one my favorite beers, havnt had it on tap yet, I want to see how that tastes.

Id say the best one that I had from my order was either the Barney Flats Oatmeal Stout or Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout. Both very delicious and reasonably priced.
The Bruery beer was made with yams instead of pumpkins. It was an interesting novelty, and worth drinking, but way overdone at 10%, and probably not a repeat for me.

Yeah Autumn Maple isn't my favorite Bruery beer. Unfortunately, they don't bottle my two favorite beers they make: Humulus Lager and Pharaoh. Both are freaking outstanding beers. Humulus Lager would fly off the shelf if it was bottled.

If you get a chance to try Loakal Red, get it. It's really good. Quite smooth and delicious
Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier.

Tastes just like Walkers smokey bacon crisps, very much recommended.

I am pleased to see that the states have some rather interesting beers, so if and when I visit I wont be thirsty ever. Favourite beer I ever had was Youngs Christmas Pudding ale which seems to have become discontinued as it doesnt seem to be available on the net or in the shops.
Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbiers is one of the few drainpours I've ever done. It tasted like drinking a liquid ash tray to me. Last time I had it was a few years ago. Maybe I need to revisit and re-evaluate. I don't know.

Had Founders Blushing Monk the other night. It was pretty good. It seems like everybody on BeerAdvocate was pissing themselves when it came out. It tasted like raspberry juice to me. It was almost like Lindeman's Framboise. My girlfriend loved it. I thought it was alright...almost too sweet for my liking. I'm glad I tried it, but I won't be getting it again.
Manischewitz is my new favorite beer. First time i've encountered something in a 750ml quantity that i could conceivably down in a minute without retching o_O

well without retching immediately afterward that is o_O
brewed a pumpkin ale today. Hope it turns out okay. This is my first time making a beer like this

Got one in the planning stages...will be my first stab at one since I've been all-grain brewing (did one with extract, but without mashing the starches from the pumpkin, it's just not the same).
Hop Head Red is quite delicious...but anything from Green Flash is outstanding

Got one in the planning stages...will be my first stab at one since I've been all-grain brewing (did one with extract, but without mashing the starches from the pumpkin, it's just not the same).

what's your setup or where did you get it from? My buddy and I are thinking of eventually going all grain, but I know it's a big step