
Had a really nice black IPA from some small Wisconsin brewery called New Glarus (whom I hadn't heard of before) last night. I don't want to fuck with a full review, but it's worth checking out if you get the chance. They have a few awesome looking fruit beers that I'm going to have to check out next time I'm up north enough.

New Glarus is my general go to around here when I don't have anything else specific in mind. Their Black IPA is called Black Top and unfortunately is only a seasonal release. Good shit. Their double IPA is also solid. Also check out Road Slush and Two Women by them next time you dig in.
I've been drinking a lot of this lately:


It's nice and hoppy but not too heavy, it's got a good balance of flavour and drinkability. And the bottles have ring-pull tops so you don't need a bottle opener which is cool.
It's been a week since I've had a beer. For one, I don't thirst for it after working overnight, and I'm trying to stay away from it as it is an enemy for fat loss. But oh how I miss it.
Actually, I've found that having a really good beer or two at night is a nice way to deter myself from the far worse alternative of munching on a bunch of really shitty junk food. I can savor the beers for a couple of hours while reading a book instead of crushing a bag of chips in five minutes in front of the TV. I just factor it into my diet by cutting out excess crap in meals to make room for them.
^Beer really isn't all that horrid for you, especially compared to many of the beverage alternatives, tis a million times better for you than soda etc. Tis mostly what people consume along with their beer consumption that brings those problems into play. The term beer belly is really highly overused/misused.

Been on a Grain Belt - Nordeast kick the last couple weeks. Well priced, tasty and smooth.
Alcohol prohibits fat loss, though. Also, I eat shitty food when I drink haha. I have done good about sticking to mainly water, a gatorade here and there, and orange juice, though.
So I'm getting paid for my blog now. bitches. Hell to the yeah. Tonight I'm going to be writing about Two Brothers Brewing Co.'s Cane and Ebel ale... IL beer that I acquired through a friend!
I think I finally found the store with the best beer selection in KC. It's a 4 store chain called Gomer's. I just dropped $60.00 there mostly on stuff I have had before, but I also got a bomber of Stone Cali-Belgique. Looking forward to trying it.
Yeah, Black Top is pretty awesome. My friend that lives north of me goes up to Wisconsin every once in a while and visits the brewery sometimes; I need to have him get me some of their fruit beers as well as that Thumb Print.