
Touting the local Maine brews once more. Fresh from the tap tonight was an amazing Hazelnut Porter by Sea Dog Brewing Company. For a porter it is very refreshing and somewhat crisp, but at the same time full of smokey boldness and the right amount of hazelnut hints. I'ver fallen in love with it lately.
Hey dudes, I know there are some people on here who already follow Original Gravity on Wordpress, but it's moved somewhat to a new domain.

It's currently located here and I'm in the process of moving my newer reviews to it. I am also, as previously stated, now getting paid to write this stuff so I'm pretty pumped as any additional source of income is fairly helpful. If you are currently an OG fan, cheers to you; if not, become one now and follow great beer with me :)
Got a bit drunk on the Sam Adams Harvest Collection sampler pack. Split it with Guy. Most of the beers were the typical Sam Adams "good." Harvest Pumpkin Ale is solid and fun to drink, the Dunkelweizen is weird and maybe a bit too citrusy. I liked the Latitude 48 IPA. I thought it was nicely balanced and extremely drinkable. The beer that really stood out in the pack was the Hazelnut Brown Ale. The beer smells like hazelnuts and earth, but tastes like toffee and caramel, and a bit of that hazelnut earthly flavor. I like.
Been in more of a Lager & Pilsner mood lately, I assume due to the heat. Been drinking a lot of Polestar Pilsner by Left Hand Brewing Co. Check it out if you like Pilsner's.
I'll be splitting the Harvest Collection with a friend soon probably. Very psyched for the Hazel Brown... hazelnut flavored browns are typically pretty good, judging from Rogue's version (probably their best overall beer).

Got my first review up for a pumpkin beer... tonight I drank Shipyard's Smashed Pumpkin (22 oz., 9% ABV). Pretty great and well-balanced imperial pumpkin with strong vegetal and earthy qualities lending a bit of clout to "real" pumpkin flavor in beers... strong and forward spiciness and medium mouthfeel with high-ish carbonation until it warms. Nutmeg, clove, cinnamon and allspice are strong in the nose and on the tongue, slight diacetyl (fine with me in pumpkin ales, tbh) and medium-heavy roasted malt notes. Earthy and slightly bitter hop twang here and there. Do yourself a favor and pick up a bottle; it's like the 500x better version of Pumpkinhead.
Currently enjoying some Duvel. One of my favorites these days. There is a pizza place around here where you can get it cheaper per bottle than you can buy a 4 pack for in store. I made them run out the last time I was there.
Thats going to cost a shitload. FedEx and UPS suck.

Fuck yes they do. Plus I used to work at UPS and that makes me hate it more.

I've been thinking of driving up to Peoria soon to find some better beer than what we have in Decatur. But the Decatur Celebration is this weekend so I doubt I will make the trip tomorrow.