
Hit me up if you're here and we can drink like kings :kickass:

Beer is a serious part of life in Colorado. Our beerfests are week-long events.

Will do man! Yeah, beer is a pretty big deal in Michigan, especially where I live. Our community held an Oktoberfest event in 2011 (I live in a small town in Mid-Michigan, just about everyone is an ethnic German.) and we broke a state record for the most beer consumed in one event. And it was only one day. Needless to say, I was proud.
customers come into my store all the time looking to get drunk quick, and I point them to the four packs of Old Rasputin

Back when I lived in Ohio a four pack of that was like $9 at the Giant Eagle. Was a usual thing, haha.
Scored 2 6 packs of Liftbridge Saison for 3 dollars, 2 6 packs of Liftbridge Chestnut Hill for 3 dollars and a 12 pack of Woodchuck for 5 dollars. Short term benefits of local distributors changing their line up.

Enjoying a Moo Joo Oatmeal Milk Stout.
You can also get way more drunk on craft beer than swill. A can of plain ass lager is, what, 4-5% alcohol? Meanwhile a Founder's Breakfast Stout is over 10%. Little pricier, but fucking delicious and it'll put you down in no time.

Not really true. For your average person something like Founders Breakfast Stout is hard to have more than a couple of in a short period of time, where as there are things like Steel Reserve sitting at 8.2% abv for dirt cheap, and not filling in the slightest, always shot gunned.
So I can get 24oz of this for $1. I've been drunk on them for the past 2 weeks straight.

As long as that shits cold it tastes like sugary corn... The warmer it gets the more it tastes like metal... Or maybe blood in your mouth. Those and Hurricane are the weapon of choice in wv to get fucked up as fast as possible.
Undoubtedly the most effective tool for getting hammered on a budget. 211 for life.

On the other side of things, I just got a ticket for Founders' KBS release Saturday date which guarantees me three 4-packs of it and access to it on draft. Fuck yes.
Guy, fuck you. Also, been drinking some good shit as usual. Just finishing up a bottle of Clown Shoes Genghis Pecan and probably starting something else soon.
Whenever I have a Saison that has what I deem to be the perfect balance between spices and citrus notes I end up binging on them to the point where I can taste/feel the impact on my tongue for hours after the fact.