
I can get basically any Founders outside of the incredibly rare stuff, and there's tons of California beer I need to try. For instance, I still haven't had a SINGLE thing from Russian River, and I'm dying to try their sours. Wanna do some trading?
Addo, I'd be interested in doing some trading. We don't get the RR sours TOO often anymore, but they do pop up. I'll keep my eyes out for some, and when I get a couple, I'll hit you up
Cool. Like I said above, I'll be getting at least 12 bottles of KBS next month, and I should get some Devil Dancer and Curmudgeon in the coming months when they're released. Devil Dancer is a strange brew, if you've never had it before. People tend to love or hate it given how heavy and how up front the alcohol is. However, I think the hop profile and fruit notes are pretty damn subtle; and it makes for a very nice beer.

Anyway, I've been drinking a bunch of PBR, Sierra Nevada PA and Celebration, as well as Founders Breakfast Stout and Imperial Stout. Drinking alone and reading old favorites is something I've been doing a lot of lately.
I turned 21 on Monday, but in Maryland, like many other states, I couldn't legally buy alcohol until I bought a horizontal license. I did that today and this was my first buy:

Currently enjoying some Twilight Summer Ale from Deschutes Brewery. Nothing spectacular, but it is easy to drink. It reminds me of a lot of spring seasonal's with a hop kick to it.
I turned 21 on Monday, but in Maryland, like many other states, I couldn't legally buy alcohol until I bought a horizontal license. I did that today and this was my first buy:


I enjoy Flying Dog from time to time, though the last time I picked up a 6 pack of their imperial porter there was something off about it.
been trying to find good cheap beer since I'm no longer living at home and am poor. Trader Joes's Mission Street Series (which are brewed by Firestone Walker) seem to fit the bill. $5.99 a sixpack, and they're pretty dang good!

The local brewpub, Beachwood BBQ and Brewing, released their bourbon barrel aged scotch ale, Full Malted Jacket, the other day, and holy fuck is it amazing. Easily in one of my top five beers of all time. snagged two bottles. Had a glass of it along with a Pliny the Younger and was fairly well buzzed. It beat the Younger too in my opinion (though two completely different styles of beer)
Raging Bitch takes me to MDF and seeing Archgoat drunk with Andy.

Yep! Great times!

Koger, the Mission St. stuff rocks! The Brown Ale is extremely satisfactory. I also like that TJ gets Unibroue to do some of their 750 mL stuff. Kinda crazy!

In a few weeks, I'm going to Hill Farmstead Brewery on my birthday courtesy of my awesome girlfriend. She's driving and buying the beer. I think I have a winner this time, guys!
Why is it going to be extra cheap, and for how long? I'm making a bunch of trips for my 21st this month, and I might have to make the trip up for that. I had Serendipity at a tasting in January and it was godly.
A smaller liqour store I distribute to has had a hard time moving them even though they already sold them a couple bucks cheaper than most places in the area, their customer base just isn't too hip to craft beer, so they're discounting them at half off till they're gone. Will be about 4.50 a pop.