
Introducing the best beer brewed in the state of Iowa, hands down.


It's called Blonde Fatale by Peacetree Brewing Co, and it's on tap all over Iowa City. It's a lot like Duvel, but smoother and sweeter, and only slightly less alcoholic. Still, a couple of these should get you pretty toasty.

The beer advocate aggregate rating is 79, making it merely okay.
I can still be friends, but if you don't drink beer, I wonder how you have any fun.

Here is the rest of my night (not pictured are 4 Hamms cans and the complete works of Alexander Pope)


It see you got the Iron Maiden beer that i was talking about a couple weeks ago.
So since it's almost October (and I love Harpoon IPA) I'm drinking Harpoon Octoberfest. And I hate to say it's not as good as I'd hoped. So I'm just wondering, is this an acquired taste? Am I not giving it enough of a chance?
Oktoberfests are never particularly highly-rated on Beer Advocate. I'm drinking the Brooklyn Oktoberfest tonight, and it's just okay. I only got it because it was $8 for a sixer, which is about as cheap as craft beer gets here. If you can find oak-aged oktoberfests, those are generally a little more complex, and the oak and malt complement each other well.
Dont know if its already been brought up...but looking for some so called healthier beers? I love the Sierras and the pale ale is actually fairly low in calories and has some healthy ingredients as well.
This fucking goddamn forum sucks when it comes to posting pics i was going to show of this great beer i had last night at the sinking ship called Southern Tier Warlock this fine beer is an Imperial Stout brewed with pumpkin. Tasted like a pumpkin flavored guinness.
cool! I've never been a huge pumpkin beer fan, and you don't see too many in California in general. More of an east coast/mid west thing I guess