Tyrants and Slaves
16 or 17 bucks for a 6-pack, so it's not cheap. I only get it at a bar in town on Tuesdays when it's $2.50 you-call-it's.
Introducing the best beer brewed in the state of Iowa, hands down.
It's called Blonde Fatale by Peacetree Brewing Co, and it's on tap all over Iowa City. It's a lot like Duvel, but smoother and sweeter, and only slightly less alcoholic. Still, a couple of these should get you pretty toasty.
I can still be friends, but if you don't drink beer, I wonder how you have any fun.
Here is the rest of my night (not pictured are 4 Hamms cans and the complete works of Alexander Pope)
cool! I've never been a huge pumpkin beer fan, and you don't see too many in California in general. More of an east coast/mid west thing I guess