Shiner Holiday Cheer is actually quite good. It is on the cheap side for a craft-ish beer at $7.99/6. It claims to be a dunkelweiss with peach flavor. The wheat and yeast character typically found in a dunkelweiss are not found, but it's fruity in a good way and refreshing. Would drink again, especially since it is so much cheaper than the rest of the market.
Other recent drinks:
SN Bigfoot '12 draft: Way more enjoyable with a year than it is fresh.
New Belgium La Folie: I guess my favorite american sour, though I prefer Monk's Cafe
Sam Adams Chocolate Cherry Bock: Barely tastes like beer, but good.
Sam Adams Juniper IPA: Possibly best of the middling ipas that Sam's is putting out.
Sam Adams White Christmas: Nice winter wit, no worse than other American examples like Bell's.
Dogfish Head Immort Ale: Super boozy, massive depth of flavor. Juniper, maple, vanilla, big malts. Smooth. Go get this
Also, New Glarus is wildly, wildly overrated. It's like Coors when it wasn't available in most of the country. Capable craft beer, with some very good beers and some okay ones. Just like any other mid-sized craft brewery. Wisconsinites have an inferiority complex when they come to Chicago, so they hype up their beer to a silly degree. Good beers mostly, but Spotted Cow is bland as shit, and the fruit beers barely have booze in them.