
My mouth fucking salivates at the thought of Belgium Trappist ales on cask at an Abbey. Jesus.

Crushing some Busch Heavy right now waiting for some New Holland Hopivore to get cold. Anyone ever have it? Seems decent. I wish it was stronger in alcohol though. I knew I should have just bought another Best By IPA instead...
Just drank and wrote about an Upright Brewing #6 my gf bought me... damn good stuff. A dark saison-style ale with heavy rye leanings and a touch of caramel malt/earthy hop.
Upright is fucking fantastic. Their #4 saison is one of my favorites. Their Special Herbs and BA Flora were some of my favorite sours this year. The only beer of theirs I've had and didn't like was Billy the Mountain, a sour barleywine. Blergh.
Is it a common phenomenon that imperial stouts served on draught risk tasting like battery acid? I ordered a Weyerbacher Heresy last night at a bar in Maine, and it tasted just as much of aluminum as the Old Rasputin I got in Iowa City a month ago. Does the high alcohol content dissolve the aluminum of the kegs, or what?
I pretty much refused to drink anything that wasn't a "real ale" my time in England. I can't tell you how much Fuller's ESB I slammed down my gullet.

Haha, good man! The campaign for real ale here is gaining strength but the lager boys are still in full force. England needs to get rid of that piss completely and revert back to ales only (and proper ciders for those that way inclined).

You guys produce some bloody excellent ales over in the US though, I must say. I'm no expert but I've tried a fair few at ale festivals and they're top. I usually opt for an American brew over a British one nowadays!

P.S. Can you get the English stuff you like over there? ... If not you should find someone to ship some over for you. I'm sure that wouldn't be cheap though :/
Phew, I dunno... I remember a bottled imperial stout which had been put into a whiskey barrel during the fermenting process. Um, that was about the same I think, 14-16% ish? Not sure. Tasted bloody strong though!

For those of you in the UK, or planning a trip to London I got that from a shop in Camden called Kris' Wines ... don't be fooled by the name, it's FULL of speciality beers. Seriously, it's like beer wonderland in there...

EDIT: Couple of photos...
I sampled a 2011 Utopias earlier this year, which is 28-29% iirc. For more orthodox beers, probably Bruery Grey Monday and Black Tuesday, which clock in around 19%. I do have BCBS once or twice a month, and that's 15%.
I do have BCBS once or twice a month, and that's 15%.

Midwest problems. Yeah for me it's in the 18-20% range with The Bruery's Black Tuesday, Grey Monday and Chocolate Rain

Bought two tickets for my girlfriend and I to attend the 2014 Firestone Walker Invitational. So stoked. Three Floyd's, Bell's, Alpine, Russian River, Kern River, and dozens of other top notch breweries all in one place.
Is it a common phenomenon that imperial stouts served on draught risk tasting like battery acid? I ordered a Weyerbacher Heresy last night at a bar in Maine, and it tasted just as much of aluminum as the Old Rasputin I got in Iowa City a month ago. Does the high alcohol content dissolve the aluminum of the kegs, or what?

While I can't respond to Heresy, I've never had a problem with an off tasting Old Rasputin. The beer shouldn't be leeching any chemicals from the keg, but I suppose it's possible. It could also be a result of dirty tap lines or improperly cellared kegs
Got a four pack of Bourbon County today and a single (12 oz.) bottle of Bourbon County Barleywine. The special variants all flew off the shelf right as the doors opened, no luck on the fancy ones.

Also picked up a marked down bottle of JW Lees Harvest aged in Calvados casks 2006 vintage. Not bad for $6.
finally had a crooked stave vielle saison last night. Amazing. It's crisp, tart and refreshing. Everything I look for in a saison. Now I'm going to buy 500 bottles