
yeah Tripels and Quads are very different beasts. Chimay White is still one of my favorite tripels. St Bernardus Abt 12 and Rochefort 10 are both my favorite quads and two of my favorite beers hands down
^ wasn't a fan of the Oaked Arrogant Bastard. Will try their other offerings.

This is what's up tonight:


I freaking love their Uncle Jacob's Stout. Delicious.

So my buddy and I opened Mikkeller's Black Fist last night. This is their 26%abv imperial stout that was aged for two years in ten different bourbon barrels. Overall, I thought it was decent. I wasn't blown away by it. What surprised me was the fact considering how high the alcohol content was, it wasn't boozy at all. In fact, a lot of the stout characteristics shined through (smoky malt, chocolate, etc.). So that impressed me, but I don't know if I'd drop $30 on it again (or $15 in my case since we split a bottle)
Had some Staropramens the other night. Thatcher's Katie (Cider) too. That's really nice stuff that.
I freaking love their Uncle Jacob's Stout. Delicious.

So my buddy and I opened Mikkeller's Black Fist last night. This is their 26%abv imperial stout that was aged for two years in ten different bourbon barrels. Overall, I thought it was decent. I wasn't blown away by it. What surprised me was the fact considering how high the alcohol content was, it wasn't boozy at all. In fact, a lot of the stout characteristics shined through (smoky malt, chocolate, etc.). So that impressed me, but I don't know if I'd drop $30 on it again (or $15 in my case since we split a bottle)

At 26% abv is it even still beer anymore? Good thing you had someone to split it with, cuz that is mighty pricey. Certainly surprising that it still tasted like a beer with all that alcohol content though.
technically, yeah it's still a beer. There are higher abv beers, but they've been distilled which many draw the line and no longer consider that a beer. I've had Black Tuesday a number of times and other beers in the 18% range that have knocked me on my ass more than Black Fist.
I've been beering around all weekend. Went to Avery brewing company on Friday, and they fucked up my sandwich, so I got a couple of their 6oz shooters for free, along with the two beers I ordered and my sick girlfriend's beer that she couldn't finish. Ranked from best to worst:

Mint Chocolate Stout: I'd heard great things about it, wasn't disappointed.
Chewblacka: A Black IPA that was surprisingly balanced.
Gourd: Pretty much a mouthful of pumpkin spice
Mephistopheles: Terrible Imperial IPA. Pretty much tasted like espresso brewed in a yak's asshole.

Then went to Black Sky brewery yesterday because a friend of a friend was DJ-ing there. Had their Demon Phoenix, a green chili/sweet potato stout lookin porter thing. It was actually really good. Also had an imperial stout from Epic that tasted like apricots, but I'm spacing the name of it.
my chef is a lightweight when it comes to alchohol

she's getting totally plastered on just beer

she got hammered on beer, then went out into the courtyard of the complex and drank a couple shots of whisky started screaming at the neighbors
^Not what this thread is about.

Last night I had the Proprietor's Bourbon County Stout, which has a ton of toasted coconut in it. Super delicious. Only the Backyard Rye variant is better. Had to split a $50 bottle three ways, but I think it was worth it, if just barely.

After that we had some Half Acre Big Hugs, which did not seem as good as it did last month. Also on the menu were Bourbon County Coffee, Solemn Oath Combat Marshmallow (an average imperial stout), Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Stout (not good), and a Staropramen to start things off.
Just half n half'd a sierra ale and a sams cold snap. It was disgustingly delicious! Sorry guys, chocolate and anything berry or sweet is for f'in valentines day...NOT FOR BEER!