I had a couple glasses of Bourbon County Backyard Rye last night. Made with mulberries, marionberries, and boysenberries. It was orgasmic. I blacked out and am very hungover, but it was worth it.
Yeah I tend to dig rye malts in my beer. Sierra Nevada makes a Rye IPA that's just stellar, and Great Divide's Rye Lager graced my lips just last night. It's really good for cooking too.
Drinking lots of Rolling Rock the past few days. I decided to try something different and instead of being a hipster with my PBR I grabbed a 30 of the RR for the same price. Meh, I'm going to stick with PBR and Hamm's still.
Allagash black is fantastic. I love Belgian stouts. Try to get some De Struise Black Albert
The only Allagash (I always see Agalloch lol) I've had is their White, which is quite good.
Oh, and Young's Double Chocolate Stout rules hard. Especially with a nitro tap.