Garbage Connoisseur
Man, what i wouldnt do for a couple bottles of Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout. By far, my favorite stout ive ever had the pleasure of pouring in my face hole.
Just tried Killian's Irish Red and Guinness Extra Stout for the first time. Guinness gets my approval but Killians isn't very good at all, which is what I expected considering the negative reviews it often gets. Extra stout has a really nice thick creamy head to it with a strong distinctive taste. While Killian's just tastes like beer flavored water.
I'm drinking the new Ommegang beer, Valar Morghulis, from the Game of Thrones series. It's a Belgian dubbel, with nothing outside of the box, but very tasty.
Yessum.I'm guessing that's an imperial stout, yes?