
Got to try an Alpine Hoppy Birthday today. Not something I expected to see on tap in Chicago, but apparently they borrow Green Flash's facilities and it can go through their distro. I dug it, but I was hoping to try some of their other brews.

Anchor's Double Liberty IPA is out there. Really liked it. It actually resembled Liberty Ale quite a bit. A ton of double IPAs that are named after the single version bear no relation at all, but I liked the similarity here.
in regards to the Green Flash / Alpine thing, it's complete bullshit. Green Flash has yet to brew one of Alpine's beers well. They've been brewing them for almost a year now. Meanwhile, Firestone Walker has been brewing Pliny the past few months and has been doing it perfectly. It pisses me off because Alpine makes my favorite IPAs handsdown, and Green Flash is fucking it up and sending their amateur hour versions out for distribution

I feel very strongly about this
I don't know those beers I'm sure they are tasty, but that is an awesome glass skull in those pics!

Thanks man. :kickass: And yea those beers are super tasty, oatmeal stouts go down so smooth.


this beer is the tits. Can't imagine how delicious it would have been if it was fresh.
Hop Hunter is quite good, but I don't feel like it's anything unique. That said, still a cool idea and the ability to do "fresh hop" beers year round opens up some nice possibilities that I'm excited to see them utilize further.
That Beachwood BBQ Amalgamator was ridiculous. Such a perfect west coast IPA. I see why you regard it so highly. Thanks again Unknown!

I finally scored a Heady Topper the other day. It is worthy of all the praise rained down upon it, but after only having one of each I'd tip the hat to Pliny.
Finally drinking the Russian River Consecration. Probably my biggest beer disappointment in a long time. I love sours. I had the Supplication a little while ago and it was one of my favorite beers ever. From what I heard Consecration was supposed to be even better. Both have 100% ratings on Beer Advocate. My problem with it is it drinks a lot more like a wine than a beer. It does taste very good, don't get me wrong, but I just wish it tasted more like a sour beer than a wine. Still awesome, but after Supplication I was expecting perfection haha.
Sorry to hear that. I prefer Consecration to Supplication. To each their own. Here's my lineup for today:

MacLeod Little Spree pale ale
St Archer Mosaic
Russian River Pliny the Elder
Firestone Walker Barrelworks Lil Opal
New Glarus Oud Bruin

Gonna be a good day
Hung out with friends yesterday, eventually ended up at the rooftop bar of a Mexican place in Harvard Square, Cambridge. Good times. Beer lineup back at home was solid as well. Hill Farmstead Arthur, Sebago BBA Barleywine 2013, Cognac Barrel Scotch Silly, Stoneface Mozaccalypse et al.
well the first GMD beer trade was a success! Came home to an unexpected box of beer from dwellerinthedark full of Cigar City and Founder's beers, plus a can of Heady Topper. Super stoked. Cheers, man!
Driving home to Maine from the Midwest for the rest of the summer, and stopping in Buffalo for a couple days to visit relatives. My uncle let me have his vacation home on Lake Erie to myself for the night, and they stocked the fridge for me, including a sampler back of local beers I've never seen before.

Flying Bison Brewing Company

So far I've had their Buffalo Koelsch, Buffalo Lager, and Aviator Irish Red. All very flavorful and well executed for standard category beers. Worth a try if you're in the region.