
Have to feel like Sip of Sunshine shouldn't be the whale that Heady is. I find Heady to be more or less worth the hype and one of the best IPAs I've ever had, if not the best. There are probably a couple dozen relatively available IPAs I would rate as well as Sip of Sunshine if in a random tasting.

Saison's aren't my top style, but I liked Arthur a lot. Had the flavor notes of Hennepin, but they popped even more. Tart lemon, white grape, grassy. I was probably even too palate fatigued to enjoy it in full. (SoS was the first beer I tasted that day.)

From my local markets, I'd consider Half Acre's Vallejo the best IPA, and the Heyoka/Senita/Namechange deserves high marks. Pipeworks gets huge ratings for their beers, but I think they are mostly overrated. Beer that flies off the shelves ends up being a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts because everyone who ends up with one gets a super fresh IPA. Plus, they game the system by creating artificial scarcity when they brew 15 IPAs and only do each once a year.
well the first GMD beer trade was a success! Came home to an unexpected box of beer from dwellerinthedark full of Cigar City and Founder's beers, plus a can of Heady Topper. Super stoked. Cheers, man!

Right on. Thanks for getting the ball rolling :kickass: I don't know why Heady is supposed to be had straight from the can, but that's how I drank it anyways.
lol, you're kidding right? :lol:

This isnt even really arguable, unless your taste buds aren't properly working. One is an american IPA (a pretty simple and boring one), the other is basically the staple american pale ale. Maybe some american IPAs taste ike pale ales to you because they're not as hopped up and are slightly maltier? I dunno.
edit: pics ...


had Heady Topper last night for the second (or third?) time...still not blown away by it. Maybe I need to get it SUPER fresh like a day or two after it's been canned. I don't know. I'm still thankful dweller included it in the box. Also had the Cigar City Invasion Pale Ale which was pretty decent
Yeah i've only had Heady twice, but both times they were within a week or two from their canned date. I'm starting to think that maybe i prefer east coast IPAs to west coast IPAs. I'd actually take it over Pliny(which i've always had fresh). But Gandhi-Bot is by far the best IPA/DIPA i've had, but sadly it's another brew we cant get out here. If anyone from the east coast is willing to trade for some, please let me know.
Dude I've never heard of Ghandi Bot but New England Brewing's Sea Hag is one of my favorites. Next time I go to New England I'll be on the lookout.

Heady is fantastic but I wasn't as mesmerized with it as I was with Pliny. Totally worth at least a portion of the hype.
Pliny is good, but yeah there a ton of IPAs I prefer. I'm definitely a West Coast IPA fan rather than East Coast. The only East Coast IPA I've had that's blown me away is Lawson's Double Sunshine. It was fucking amazing. I'd love to try Triple Sunshine. Maine Beer Company's Lunch is also pretty high up there for me as well
lol, you're kidding right? :lol:

This isnt even really arguable, unless your taste buds aren't properly working. One is an american IPA (a pretty simple and boring one), the other is basically the staple american pale ale. Maybe some american IPAs taste ike pale ales to you because they're not as hopped up and are slightly maltier? I dunno.
edit: pics ...


You must have misunderstood. I was comparing Liberty Ale to Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. I find Liberty Ale much better, and I find Sierra Nevada Pale Ale to be closer to an IPA than a pale.

I think Anchor IPA is a pretty good IPA. It's firmly within that style. They also make a beer called Double Liberty IPA, which tastes very similar to Liberty Ale, but is jacked up enough in ABV and flavor to be an IPA.
no actually that's exactly what i was talking about. Go back and re-read my post. SNPA is thee staple american pale ale, and Liberty Ale is a rather simple/boring american ipa. I even had both today one after another. One of clearly an IPA, the other isn't.

I do wanna try that Double Liberty Ale though

The pictures were from what i was having the night before. I didnt want to double post, so i just edited them in there.
This is a real deal. "Piwo" means beer in polish, what means that this is a beer of the brand beer. Cheap one, perhaps it consists of more sulfur than actual beer.
