
What does it taste like?


Richard, I liked your post only because that comment and gif in collaboration were fucking hilarious. Otherwise, if you're gonna buy cool beer, we want to hear your impressions! I think I speak for everyone when I say that in this thread we don't judge taste (too harshly, anyway :p), so if you can be assed to write a few words, we'd always love to read 'em.

I'm on my second bottle in a row of a beer my buddy and I made a couple months ago that I posted about before. It's called Appetite and it's an imperial breakfast stout (smoked malt, oats, coffee, maple syrup added).

Using ~10% each of smoked malt and flaked oats plus a hefty dose of regular malted barley and plenty of roasty, dark specialty grains, we eventually collected a good 4 gallons of 1.090 wort which has since fermented down to 1.019. Since we use the alternate ABV calculation for beers with higher (1.075+, usually) OGs, the beer should come out to be just over 10%!

It's been in bottles for about 5 weeks and I'm very happy to say that it's fantastic!

In about a month we're doing a brunch for friends as a kind of "release party" for this beer (first time we've done this!). Like 15 people have already RSVP'd, so holy shit! I think we'll probably charge like 10 bucks a head to cover costs + to help fund future beers we make (and hopefully, parties we throw!), but to sweeten the deal I'm also breaking out some stouts/porters I've been hoarding, some from several years ago! Here's the current list to make y'all jelly.

"2011 Weyerbacher Old Heathen
2012 Clown Shoes Vampire Slayer
2013 Founders Imperial Stout
2014 Evil Twin Yin
2014 Jack's Abby Barrel-Aged PB&J Framinghammer
2015 Weyerbacher Sunday Morning Stout
2015 Stone Farking Wheaton W00tstout"

It's the best beer that I've had by Abita. Most of the others are pretty lame. I should try the Imperator Black IPA by them.

Winter is awesome because this goes on sale. I'm going to make sure to save a few of these to enjoy throughout the year.
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Had some friends over for our christmas party last night, so I busted out some special beers

ODD13BREWING Eric the Red dark saison: Not bad. First beer I've had from them. Saison was slightly tart and vinegary
New Glarus Engima: I have yet to really be blown away by a New Glarus beer. They've always been just okay. This one is no different. Winey and vinegary sour
Dogfish Head 120 IPA (2012): A friend actually grabbed this on accident and proceeded to drink it before realizing it was way out of her league. This was fantastic. It aged wonderfully. It tasted like a barleywine and was on point.
Crooked Stave Petit Sour Hibiscus & Cinnamon: I'm normally very leery of cinnamon in beers. However, in Crooked Stave I trust. This blew me away. The cinnamon was barely present at all. The hibiscus gave it a really nice color and smoothness. There was still the signature Crooked Stave funk backbone though

The other two were brought from a friend visiting from New York:
Evil Twin Even More Denmark: Imperial milk stout that can only be purchased in New York Whole Foods. Loved it. Slightly roasted malt but also slightly sweet. Delightful. I love Evil Twin's beer WAY more than Mikkeller (their twins, hence Evil Twin)
Pretty Things Our Finest Regards: Just a delightful English barleywine. Caramel and toffee notes. Not overwhelming. A nice sipper

had a rough morning...not from the beer but from the food. Too much mac n cheese

Boulevard / Cigar City Collaboration No. 5 - Tropical Pale Ale

I've mentioned this before, but I'm enjoying the last bottle from my 4-pack of this delicious tropical brew in celebration of and as a talisman against the warmest Florida winter since 1986. It starts with some fruity hops before being aged on grapefruit and passion fruit, which results in a well-balanced beer that clocks in at 7.2% ABV and 55 IBUs. It's a pretty Cigar City type of beer that benefited greatly from the great distribution afforded by it being put out into the market by Boulevard and taking advantage of their great distribution network.
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Punishment > Crime

I'm glad that I finally found this.

I liked both despite the negative things that I've heard from some people, but this one is the better of the two. I don't have a problem picking out the bourbon barrel and beer flavors among the peppers. I ate chocolate before trying each of them, which paired pretty well with both beers.
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Cool beans. I'm just VERY particular when it comes to the use of peppers in beer. Cigar City Hunahpu and Lakewood Mole Temptress are great examples of the kind I like

In the fridge for tomorrow's dinner: Stone W00tstout from last year and St Bernardus Christmas Ale. Won't get too crazy because I know my mom is probably gonna bring some amazing wines

Cigar City White Oak Aged Jai Alai IPA

It's a Christmas miracle! I went to a random liquor store near my mother's house because my sister asked me to buy her some PBR and they had three packs of this stuff. I bought them all.

It's even better than regular Jai Alai.
Funky Buddha Nib Smuggler. Chocolate milk porter. Smooth and delicious. Pretty similar to Terrapin's Moo-Hoo. It has a sort of artificial chocolate taste but I don't really think it detracts much.
Yeah, it was pretty good. The Nikolai Vorlauf Russian Imperial Stout is also decent, but it's a little thin.
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Boulevard / Cigar City Collaboration No. 5 - Tropical Pale Ale

I've mentioned this before, but I'm enjoying the last bottle from my 4-pack of this delicious tropical brew in celebration of and as a talisman against the warmest Florida winter since 1986. It starts with some fruity hops before being aged on grapefruit and passion fruit, which results in a well-balanced beer that clocks in at 7.2% ABV and 55 IBUs. It's a pretty Cigar City type of beer that benefited greatly from the great distribution afforded by it being put out into the market by Boulevard and taking advantage of their great distribution network.
Finally got my hands on this. The fruit notes were epic. Surprised it's not considered an ipa though...
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Tomoka Brewing Company Oceanside White IPA

Finally, a white IPA that isn't weak in flavor. I enjoy the grapefruit peel flavor here. It clocks in at 7% ABV and 75 IBUs. I actually heard about this Port Orange, FL beer on a local radio station.