
I have no idea why Omni insists on featuring her bottle opener in her photos, but... okay.

Solid set of beers. Thought peppermint VAtC was too herbal. Did not go wild over it. Commodore is average as well.

I'll buy that Prairie Christmas Bomb was great, because the standard Bomb was superb. No thoughts on the others.
had a SN lineup for today ....



... followed by a Celebration.
I'm waiting to see the Tropical IPA around here so I can buy it. It sounds pretty great. Hoppy Lager was good last year.
I made sure to include my bottle opener for @MasterOLightning since he likes it so much.


Amagher Bryghus collaboration with Cigar City - Xiquic and the Hero Twins

Aside from the great reference to Hunahpu's, this beer has some serious Cigar City influence. It's an imperial stout aged on cedar in typical Cigar City fashion and the surprising addition of black peppercorns is interesting. Amagher Bryghus makes some good stouts already, such as Hr. Frederiksen. This is two breweries coming together and adding what they do best to one unique beer. It's not for everyone, but I quite like it.


Amagher Bryghus collaboration with Cigar City - Orange Crush

This is a beer that falls more in Cigar City territory. I'd be lying if I said that it wasn't basically a very flavorful session version of Jai Alai with orange peel added to enhance the already citrusy quality that Cigar City does so well. If you've had Jai Alai and like it, this is something that you should be able to kick back and enjoy. I love Jai Alai, and getting more beers like it is never a bad thing for me.
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Pretty Things Beer & Ale Project Jack D'Or Saison Americaine

6.5% ABV / 57 IBU

This is a great saison. It's well-balanced. The malt flavors are earthy and well complimented by a dose of bitterness that seems totally natural and just right. It's quite tasty and I found it extremely refreshing and drinkable. I paired it with a feta cheese pasta salad with fresh tomatoes and green onions. Delicious beer.


Pretty Things Beer & Ale Project Meadowlark IPA

7% ABV / 85 IBU

This IPA doesn't reinvent the wheel, but it's just a good example of how to do a balanced IPA properly. There's nothing extreme here, other than how enjoyable it is. Just lovely flavors and the right amount of bitterness to highlight the great hops used in the beer.


Pretty Things Beer & Ale Project St. Botolph's Town Rustic Brown Ales
5.9% ABV / 38 IBU

This is a dark, smoky brown ale with a big malt flavor. This was rich and delicious without feeling like it was too much of a good thing. Truly a wonderful example of artistry when it comes to brewing a balanced beer. Of the three Pretty Things beers that I tried, this was my favorite.

I picked these up recently and was sad to learn that they were from the final shipment before Pretty Things Beer & Ale Project closed its doors for good. All three beers were very traditional, but also wonderfully inviting. I would have liked to have a chance to try more of their stuff.
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Jack D'Or is a pretty good saison. Their barleywine, Our Finest Regards, is fantastic

Went to San Diego last night. The missus has a work conference, so I went and stayed for the night. On the way down I stopped at Bagby Beer Company in Oceanside. They had a huge house beer list for a brewpub. Their IPAs were nothing remarkable, but they nailed their German style ales and lagers. I told the bartender, and she agreed that their old world style beers were their bread and butter. After that I went to Modern Times and had a flight. They had a few new beers on I hadn't had before. Of particular note was their Nova Swing IPA, which was really good. Just big fruit and melon flavors with a nice backbone.

Today I swung by a couple bottle shops in SD and picked up some bottles. On the way back home I stopped at Toolbox in North San Diego and had some tasty sour beers (they're San Diego's only sour-only brewery). Good stuff. Grabbed a bottle of their Bramble on Rose. Super tart but really jammy at the same time.

Got back in the area and went to Monkish with my sister for their bottle release. Had their apricot sour, brett saison, and strawberry sour. All were fantastic

Good weekend.

Sixpoint Brewing C.R.E.A.M.

7.2% ABV / 25 IBU

Another one of those blonde coffee ales. This one packs a decent punch at 7.2% ABV, but still manages to be smooth and creamy. Sixpoint has done good things in the world of coffee beers before, and this is another successful outing. I would recommend it to anyone who likes coffee beers. It bears a bit of a resemblance to Calm Before the Storm from Ballast Point.

Cigar City Brewing Big Sound Scotch Ale
8.5% ABV / 40 IBU

This beer is dedicated to the rebellious spirit of punk rock. The aroma is malt sweetness with a hint of earthiness. It packs a serious flavor punch. Big malts, earthy notes and a plum quality on the finish. It's a big beer that paired really well with homemade barbecue ribs.

I'm curious to try the barrel-aged variations.
I love bourbon barrel aged scotch ales. The bourbon and oak really complement the sweet malts of a scotch ale. Alesmith's BA Wee Heavy and Beachwoods BA Full Malted Jacket are probably my two favorite along with Founder's Backwoods Bastard

On that note...Picked up a Founder's Azacca the other day, now that they're distributing out in CA. It was pretty good for a midwest IPA. Nice malt backbone. The hop profile was good. It's something I might buy again.
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I'm curious as to what scotch ales you've had since there isn't really much in common between scotch and scotch ales other than the place of origin. Are you thinking of scotch-barrel aged beers?
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Brasserie Dieu du Ciel! Isseki Nichō is pretty awesome. It's a hybrid between a Belgian saison and an imperial stout. One of the most unique beers that I've had lately.


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I got lucky and I found several more Pretty Things Beer & Ale Project beers. I found American Darling, Field Mouse's Farewell, East Kent Saison, Babayaga, Barbapapa and Our Finest Regards. I picked up two of the last one because I want to have one soon and save one for later.

I also got incredibly lucky and managed to snag Cigar City's The Dark Woods, which is an old ale with molasses aged on white oak. Cigar City's work with wood aging is absolutely top notch. Should be good.