
Alright then.

Recently had the new Stone offerings, Pataskala Red IPA and Americano Espresso Stout. Both were pretty good but nothing mindblowing. The Red IPA had a great color to it and nice hop/malt balance. The Americano was like a lighter version of their espresso IRS from a few years ago.

Also picked up one of my favorite triple IPAs the other day, Power Plant by El Segundo Brewing. It was bottled early that morning. Super fresh and sticky. Kicked my ass at 11% since I had it at lunch with not much food.
I just tried Pataskala and Americano yesterday. I like them both, but they aren't mindblowing. The best Stone beer that I had recently was Xocoveza.

I bought the Bitter Chocolate Oatmeal Stout by them too. I was really looking for the two different Enjoy by 02.14.2016 beers, but they are nowhere to be seen here.
The unfiltered 02.14.2016 was probably the best IPA they've brewed in a loooooooong time. I'm not sure if that got any distro outside of SoCal. If you're ever curious and want to set up a trade for CA beers, let me know
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I think we'll have to do it sometime. I'll have to look up the proper way to package them for the mail before I ever try that though.

I know that Black IPA version made it here, but the keg at my local place was killed off before I got there. I wanted to try those because the 14th is my birthday.
this happened today ...




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Got a trade today in the mail. Sent this guy a Bruery Chocolate Salty BBLS and Modern Times Comet Rider. He sent me a Jester King Biere de Miel, Lone Star Yellow Rose, and two cans of Jai Alai. Fresh Jai Alai is always tasty. Biere de Miel is one of my favorite JK beers. Curious about the Yellow Rose. It's a single hop Mosaic IPA and supposed to be phenomenal. Most beers out of Texas are pretty darn good, so I've got high hopes for it. It's in the fridge for tomorrow
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I have not. I'm sure it's delicious. Most Cigar City stuff is.

I tried a couple of the new fruited Ballast Point beers yesterday: Mango Even Keel and Watermelon Dorado. They were both pretty bad, which sucks because I love regular Even Keel and Dorado. The Mango one definitely tasted like dried mango. The watermelon Dorado tasted like a watermelon jolly rancher. blergh

Small bottle share with a few friends.

Smuttynose Rocky Road Stout
Oskar Blues Hotbox Coffee Porter
Founders Porter
Sierra Nevada Tropical IPA
Sixpoint C.R.E.A.M. Cream Ale
Cigar City White Oak Aged Jai Alai IPA
Victory Java Cask Imperial Stout
Ballast Point Habanero Sculpin IPA
Looks tasty! Here's what I opened tonight...


Yellow Rose by Lone Pint in Texas. Mosaic single hop IPA. Really nice. Mosaic is one of my favorite hops, and this had a really nice malt backbone to it.


Libertine Pub out of Morro Bay is one of the brewery clubs I joined this year (the other being Modern Times, which I'm splitting with a guy). This is what I want in a wild ale...bright, tart, lemony, and acidic. Delicious

Pretty Things Beer & Ale Project - Our Finest Regards

This is absolutely lovely. It's a dark, full-bodied barleywine that clocks in at 11% ABV. This beer has an enticing earthy chocolate aroma and the flavor is lovely chocolate and peat malts. The presence of alcohol is very understated. This makes me really wish that Pretty Things hadn't come to an end. I picked up another bottle that I'm saving until next year, to see how it does in my beer cellar.


Cigar City Brewing - The Dark Woods
Dark Old Ale Brewed with Molasses and Aged on Wood

I love what Cigar City does with wood aging. This is a big 10.8% ABV beer aged on white oak. There's a lot going on in the aroma - dry oak, chocolate, toffee and molasses. The potent malty flavor is well balanced by the oak tannins. This was brewed as a fall beer and it's very enjoyable in the cool weather we're having here lately. Great effort.
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Dogfish Head Craft Brewery - World Wide Stout

This bottle has been hanging out with me since 2013. Even after all that time, this beer brings some serious booze on the nose and the back end. That said, the flavor is excellent. You can take hints of roasted malts, barley and cinnamon. There's still a lot of booze in the flavor too, so it's a slow sipper. That's expected since it's 18% ABV. It's not enough for it to be offputting, and it adds a nice warming sensation on the tongue.

I couldn't resist opening this for my birthday as a treat to myself.
Drinking this IPA, it's quite nice considering I'm not too fond of the overly fruity ones.
Edit: This beer is delicious and full on! I love it!
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