
Hey guys. I joined Untappd mostly to completely abuse it by checking-in every Urquell I have and sometimes other czech Pilsners, but I'd be interested to see what you guys drink and I plan to visit some specialized beer stores in Prague and maybe get some American beers too so that should be fun. My nickname is Alka-seltzer feel free to add me, I have zero friends so far. :(

Sent. My username on there is mkoger

So every year Beachwood gets a couple kegs of Pliny the Younger in, and they do a raffle. $5 ticket buys you a chance to get a pint of said beer (ticket covers the cost). Every year I buy one ticket just for funsies. This is the second year I've won a of the top rated triple IPAs in the country...for five bucks


I decided to bust out my beers from The Holy Trinity of Ales by Avery Brewing Co. during the last few days.


Hog Heaven - Dry-hopped Barleywine-style Ale
9.2 ABV / 100 IBU

I've really been on a barleywine kick recently. This is an excellent hoppy beer with a great malt backbone and tons of Columbus hops. There are some great peat flavors and fruity esters that remind me of plums. It was also very drinkable considering the high alcohol content.


Salvation - Belgian-style Golden Ale
9% ABV / 25 IBU

The Belgian yeast adds a sort of chicle sweetness that reminds me of chewing gum and works really well with the mild hops. There's some flavor reminiscent of peaches as well. I felt that some of the flavors were hindered by the bite of the alcohol in this instance.


The Reverend - Belgian-style Quadrupel Ale
10% ABV / 24 IBU

This was a great quadrupel with a great fruity aroma and flavor profile. Lots of great fruity esters and very mild bitterness make this a very enjoyable evening sipper. I didn't really get much of the alcohol flavor, just a slight warming sensation. I thought that this was the best of the three.

I also wanted to compliment the attention to detail and unique look of Avery's special release beer labels. I really enjoyed looking at them.
I love The Reverend. For the price, it's such a great value beer, let alone a quad. It might not be the best in its style, but it's still pretty darn good
I'd really like to get my hands on the three beers from The Demons of Ale series. I've had The Beast Grand Cru and it was great. The other two sound great as well.
FWIW, it's been years since I've had any of those, but the beast was easily my favorite; the other 2 aren't bad by any means though. Probably gone from shelves by now, but I always liked their winter seasonal, Old Jubilation.
It's random what beers we get by them in this state. Their distribution here is pretty poor.
Finally cracking into this


Now THIS is what I'm talking about. I've always enjoyed Founder's, but I think KBS is overrated. Breakfast Stout is good but nothing mind-blowing. This on the other hand is fucking fantastic. Huge chocolate and roast notes. Great body. Oh god I have a new go to imperial stout. I'm gushing
I could probably live on Red Hook Longhammer if it were healthy to do so. After doing a lot of sampling I frankly haven't found an improvement, especially at the pricepoint. Dryhopped IPAs are far and away my favorite, and that's exactly what RH Longhammer does well and cheaply.
I got a bottle of Dark Penance as an extra in trade. The dude sent me a bottle that was a YEAR old. That shit ain't cool. It sounds up my alley though. I love me some Black IPAs
unknown you're quite the cunt with your easy access to Pliny.

my two go to beer stores are a shell of their former selves. i kinda sorta stopped drinking over the past couple years so i've been out of touch but this one store literally used to have EVERYTHING that was distributed in NJ and i would always pick up like 10 beers i've never even heard of and then recently i went there and they have some Stone, Southern Tier, Great Lakes and some big name Belgians. fucking weak.
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I'm on Untappd as Ommegoose if anyone else wants to monitor my alcoholism.

A few nice finds for me in the past few days. Tops was Lost Abbey's Cuvee de Tomme. Wow. Tasted half as strong as the 11%. The cherry notes are more like a rich maraschino rather than kriek-like tartness. Gentle barrel notes that somehow mellow out the beer. Easily the best wild ale I've ever had, though it's not generally a favorite style of mine.

Cahoots did a Barrel-Aged Dark & Stormy beer. (Doubt this gets distributed far from Chicago.) An 8.5% ginger beer, with lime and aged in rum barrels. Really did get the essence of the cocktail down.

The Bruery Cuivre is great if you can get a try at a bar, but doubt it's worth the crazy retail price. Stands up really well to the good vintages of the FW anniversary ales.

Stone Americano stout was a nice dry, bitter coffee stout. A lot of the others out there are on the sweet side. I appreciated that there was a hop bitterness without the citrusy, fruity notes that really clash with coffee. I'm down on most Stone beers, so this was a nice surprise.

FW Helldorado didn't do too much for me. I think I'd rank it last out of all their high ABV specialties.

All of the Avery big ones are pretty easy to come by here, with Maharajah and Hog Heaven being really reasonably priced and tasty examples of their style. Samael is not a repeat purchase for me. Mephistopheles and The Czar kind of run together in my mind. Both are good imperial stouts but not standouts to me.