
under rated? no way. way over rated if you ask me. i read a lot of hype about all 3 chimay's and the 2 i've tried were good, but nothing to write home about.
They are overrated as a whole because most not so beer snobby people only know about them and praise them like hell, but in another way they are underrated because alot of beer snobby people think they are so common/standard that they automatically gets less intersting without really being worse.
I had a Samuel Smith's Imperial Stout, which is very good, and perfect for people who are just getting into bigger beers. I also got some Sam Adams Cherry Wheat because it was pretty cheap, and I remember enjoying it several years ago. I thought it would be interesting to pour about an ounce into the last half of my stout, and it tasted pretty good, actually. The Cherry Wheat by itself is basically nothing but cherries. I won't be buying this again. I think as far as ridiculous fruity beers go, Leinie's Sunset Wheat is the one I can drink several of in a sitting.
last night I went to my favorite bar with my buddies and had the latest Stone Imperial Russian Stout and a Sierra Nevada Chico IPA. The IRS was good. It was the first time I had it, so when the bartender poured it and I saw it...I was intimidated at first. but it was good. I had the Chico IPA because apparently it's super rare and is pretty much never found outside of Chico, so I'm not sure how they snagged some. Based on the novelty, I had to have one. It wasn't bad. But after the Imperial Russian Stout, it was definitely a sipper. but something about the combination of the two of them really did me in. I was pretty surprised
just came back from what will surely be my new hangout, the trinity brewery. i have a bunch of great stuff, soooo...

trinity soul- awesome abbey style ale. very malty but not heavy like most abbeys
trinity awaken- great stout that doesnt feel thick. strong coffee taste
"leffe"- someones belgian blonde. really nice, reminds me of the allagash trippel
new belgium la folie- sour red! tastes like a sour apple sweet tart hehehe. i dig it though, its a change of pace.

I had a La Folie the other day. I found it to be rather enjoyable, but it almost is better in just a 5 oz. serving or so. Got kind of tiresome after a full 12 oz. I'm not really a sour fan, but I can take them in smaller doses.

Had Sam Adams Imperial White yesterday and today. It was pretty tasty, with the usual orange and banana and spicy witbier flavors, but took on some peachy and vanilla notes as it warmed up. Extremely silky mouthfeel. Hides the heat from 10% well. All in all, $10 for a four pack seems like a decent deal. In a way, it's a bit like a wheatwine, although all the wheatwines I've had have been more complex and delicious.
Had a couple of bottles of New Belgium - Mighty Arrow Pale Ale and was very pleasantly surprised. As I have said before, most pale ales have just enough bitter and dry to be annoying, without the hop flavor I love from IPAs. I can take the bitter, but I like it along side of that piney/citrus hop flavor.

Well this Mighty Arrow is less bitter than the average pale, but has more of the hop flavor, without crossing the line into IPA territory.
I agree that Mighty Arrow was pretty tasty. I much prefer it to SNPA.

And about 98% of lagers are mild in terms of bitterness. Only the hoppiest of pilsners are even remotely bitter, and those don't hold a candle to hoppy ales.
Had Sam Adams Imperial White yesterday and today. It was pretty tasty, with the usual orange and banana and spicy witbier flavors, but took on some peachy and vanilla notes as it warmed up. Extremely silky mouthfeel. Hides the heat from 10% well. All in all, $10 for a four pack seems like a decent deal. In a way, it's a bit like a wheatwine, although all the wheatwines I've had have been more complex and delicious.
Sounds delicious.
while browsing the trinity website i came across a very interesting idea. a beer float. its two scoops of ice cream (probably vanilla) in a tall glass of stout!

now, i generally hate the milky stouts (like guinness) but this might be a bit different. especially with their coffee dominated stout
Beer floats might work better with a milk stout rather than a dry stout like Guinness. Guinness has such a light body that I'm not sure it would hold up.

I had an Oak-Aged Unearthly from Southern Tier yesterday. Plenty of oak flavor to start. Unearthly is too malty of an IIPA for me really, and this was still pretty heavy and syrupy at 11%. I've got a Gemini and Big Red lined up for later on. Aside from a few minor missteps, I can't get enough Southern Tier.
I don't usually go Far Eastern, but Tsingtao is a fucking good light beer. Reminds me of Carlsburg.

The other day at our local German Biergarten I tried a Schlenkerla Smoke Beer. Holy fuck, it was delicious.
Beer floats? :puke:

Dairy and beer =/= mix

Made a trip to BevMo today. I haven't really got anything new for a while.

I got my own 6-pak of Mighty Arrow. Man, that is good stuff. For a non-extreme beer it is amazing! Great flavor.

Also found a new Lagunitas brew. I don't know if I am just noticing this brewery, or if they are really breaking out, but they seem to always have something interesting out. Brown Shugga, The Hairy Eyeball, and now Undercover Investigation Shut-Down Ale. Like the other special brews from Lagunitas it has tons of flavor. It's like a mix of a Porter and an IIPA. Sweet, heavy and hoppy.