
lol, only that night. both of those were a pretty high abv iirc. the sammy was 9 something

nevermind, the leffe is only a 6
Was out for a burger and a beer tonight, and had a Three Floyd's Blackheart, which was supposedly brewed in collaboration with Blackheart Tattoo, where Wrest (Leviathan) works/used to work. And the label was done by Tim Lehi, who recently did the last Xasthur cover. It was an awesome English-style IPA, aged with some toasted oak. Really delicious. And $12 a bomber at a bar is a pretty fair price.

Also had a Surly Furious (which I think is a bit overrated), and a Lagunitas Little Sumpin Sumpin. The latter was nothing too special, just a decent extra IPA.
had the sierra nevada summer beer on tap at my favorite bar. really nice. MUCH more accessible than SN's other beers, much less hoppy and drinkable. Especially nice after Stone's Cali-Belgique from the tap.

my buddy had a Lobotomy Bock which rates in at 10%. I had a few sips of it, and we both concurred that it was very smooth and didn't taste like a 10% ABV beer at all...little bit of coffee notes...seemed rather standard for a bock beer. I don't know. I'm gonna get it next time I go (if they have it)
recently drank:

Avery Maharaja Imperial IPA: good lord. This is definitely an IIPA. The hops are super intense, and it's a sipper. The flavor is good if you're into the style (I am, sort of), but it's not something you can chug down.

Westmalle Trappist Ale Trippel: Good lord talk about foam. As soon as I opened the bottle, it started foaming up, and it didn't stop. Getting tired of sucking it from the bottle, I quickly transferred it to my beer mug. After it all settled down, it was a nice drink. Very tasty and pretty standard for a trappist. Reminded me of a bit heavier Chimay White.
man so tonight I went to my favorite bar and had three beers I've never had before and loved them all. The first was Lobotomy Bock. For a beer ranking in at 10% abv, it certainly didn't feel like it. It's a very accessible beer, especially for the bock style. My buddies and I love(d) it. Next was a beer I had never heard before called Baccus. I couldn't even find out much about it on the net. It was served in a small 8oz glass, and it was really freaking good. It was like a wine beer...fruity notes at the end. really good. Last beer I had was called Pliny the Elder which is a Double IPA. I found this out after trying a sample of it from the bartender. Not bad for a Double IPA, but definitely a sipper.

all around good stuff and another fun night at the bar.