
If I hadn't skimmed over all the Pabst Blue Ribbon pictures, I would have never made it in that time.

I like rum and wine. Not together though.

All scattered sentence fragments aside, I do have a real question: So I have this Sierra Nevada Pale Ale in my garage fridge from a few months back (told you I don't drink much!) and I was thinking a beer sounded pretty good, so I went out to grab one and when I picked it up all this crap from the bottom started floating around inside the bottle. Is this normal? Are there really particulates that can settle or has something horrible happened to my damn drink to the point of dumping it down the drain?
yeah it should be fine. Beers like Sierra Nevada that are around 5% will be fine for a few months. The stuff that's settled on the bottom is probably yeast and sugars...nothing horrible.

but yeah. don't let anything under 5% sit around for too long. those are made for immediate consumption. only beers over 8% I'd say are fine to let set around for 6 or more months (and often taste better)
The proteins in beer can coagulate over time. Typically if there is sediment in a non-bottle conditioned beer (which is supposed to have yeast on the bottom) its coagulated proteins.
Thanks for the response, guys - I appreciate it. So I guess it's safe to drink, just will have to see if I can handle the obvious texture problem it may present.
I cant wait till they open up the Upland Brewery Growler store and Barley Island Brewpub in BR. I guess the only thing i can contribute is that i had a left hand imperial stout a couple of nights ago at chumleys and it was seriously good!

I love this beer.
I am an IPA fiend. Give me the hoppiest, most citrusy, flowery, bitter, tastebud-exploding beer you can come up with and I might get an erection.

Lately though, I've been enjoying Pilgrim's Dole (scroll to the bottom). The same brewery's Dragon's Milk is also good, but so heavy and rich that I can barely finish half of a snifter.
Sam Adam's Winter is fucking fantastic.

I had Bud's Shock Top the other night. I like Blue Moon quite a bit, the bar we were at didn't have that. They said to try the Bud version. DON'T DO IT FOLKS! It's just god awful. Watered down, overly malty, no spice, ugh.
I'm the opposite. I like stouts and porters; thick, rich and creamy. :cool:

Just finished my last Sam Adams Winter Lager tonight. :(
You need to get your hands on some of this Dragon's Milk I speak of, then. It's like the richest chocolaty stout you've ever had, with a very noticeable whiskey undertone.
last night I had The Bruery's Two Turtle Doves. The bartender told me it's a sipper, coming in at 11%ABV, and it certainly was. It reminded me of a Bock or Dopplebock. good stuff.

edit: It's a Belgian dark ale

Anticitizen: Are you much into barleywines?
You need to get your hands on some of this Dragon's Milk I speak of, then. It's like the richest chocolaty stout you've ever had, with a very noticeable whiskey undertone.

Thanks, I'll keep an eye out for it. That's interesting that it's called Dragon's Milk, because one of the richest beers I've ever had is called Gulden Draak. It's a Belgian dark triple ale, very rich, and 10.5% abv. Delicious stuff.